Friday, October 24, 2008

Chapter 19 + Epilogue of Sparking Chaos posted!

Today, I shall accounce that Sparking Chaos is... finished!

(clear throat then drink some water, then clear throat again) Sparking Chaos is finished!

...alright, enough accouncement, let's get into the beef of the subjet: Review responses. I have other things to say, but I leave them for the actual story in the author notes.


Review Response Corner

Foxyjosh: That was a fun review. Seriously, if everyone posted reviews like yours, writing review responses would be so much easier. Continue your good work!

AltoGuardian: Yay! A new review! Those seem to come in more rarely when I don'T post any new chapter. I'm starting to feel a correlation between posting time and the number of reviews I get in a given period of time. I'm glad Rick is not mean anymore, but I almost wished he would be, because it would help him a lot for the end story. It wouldn't help a certain dark pokemon we all love (some more than others), but...

Yep... Rick doesn't like their religion. He is mean, huh? Well, while I won't discuss religion here too much, he doesn't totally want to destroy their beliefs. He agrees that it's fine to believe in something, but that it shouldn't be in the way of progress. If you can grab a stick to fight a predator and survive, but don't do it because the Great Elder Chu doesn't want you to pick up sticks, then beliefs doesn't help. On the other hand, if the belief make them feel safer and happier, then it's fine. So, basically, he wants to detach their religions from the things it shouldn't be affecting (politics, technology, science) and keep it where it should be (morals, ethics, happiness). Modern religions mostly do that and are way better than primitive ones like the pikachu's preventing progress.

Magic doesn't seem annoying to you, but to the pikachu... by the way, she's based on a teenage girl I know online (the said girl is now hating Magic because she's a parody of her, but that's another story). As for Magic and her role within the VX-Project, well, you will notice that the number is fairly small. They have two kinds of VX: Pokemon they capture and to which they inject VX chemical (like Sunny) and there are those they try to produce through genetical engeineering. Magic was born in the first batch of 10 VX born this way. Most of them died during their growth and Magic was born with enhanced speed and reflex, but the VX-chemical doesn't really have the same effect when given at birth and the one they gave Magic a few months before wasn't really working. She refused to cooperate and was released. They have no succesful VX born that way right now, but the second batch in the making will see the birth of their first successful one, VX-013 (or just Thirteen), a cute eevee bearing a very strong likeliness to our favorite predator...

The black doggie could be Kagai... and she could not be... but with how many times I said she could return toward the end of the story (granted, I said Jen would returned and she died, but things happen...) As for what I had orginally planned, if you checked the PMs I sent to your email adress, they contained the original chapters 19 and 20. I hope you enjoyed reading the original ending and that you will enjoy this one. I think I will release them here soon, for others to see.

I don't think it's a good idea to introduce alchool to rodents, but it's not like the adults can drink it either... Sparktail likes to have a tight control over his stuff... control-freak. And then they plan to fight Kagai... you know, maybe they did drink that stuff, because it doesn't seem like a good idea to try and kill an dakr pokemon dog thing.

I'm happy that you liked the chapter and again, I hope you will like the ending!

Kirby: ((Magic)) (look around) Oh! Hi, Kirby! (giggle) Stuff pop into your head? That's very bad. It could go BOOM! Sparky is not selfish! He is a good friend and it's not his fault if Strongclaw was being mean and stuff and Sparky only tried to protect himself! (pout)

(some time later) Hehe... I wonder what happens in a moon cycle too... maybe there will be lot of apples to fall from the great blue! It would be nice!

Of course, it wasn't Magic! I'm Magic and I'm like not sparks! Some chu are being mean here. If they continue like that, I'm going to stop being nice with them.

Pichu can't lie? Yes, they do! I don't, because it's mean, but I heard pichu lie a lot of time! Those little things can be mean when they want to. It's sad, because I would love to be their friends. They all seem so happy and nice and playful and gentle!

Sparky is a good leader and everyone should be proud of him. If they are not, I will be sad and I don't wanna cry. And Sparky doesn't exploit anyone! I know, because he told me! I dunno why Sparky would lie to me, because we are best friends!

Berry juice? Oh! That funny smelling stuff! I wanted to take some too, but Sparky said I was too hyper already. I dunno what hyper means, but... Hehe... err... other predators? (Psiana lurks in the background) Err... (seem nervously all of a sudden)

(see huge block of text) Oh... too long for me... I'm gonna go play elsewhere! (run up a tree, leaving the rest to DPL) Errr... seems like a new trend for her to give up right before the end. Oh well... I think it's kind of normal that he thinks that a predator he doesn't know (or so he thinks for now) should be dead. Anyone would protect their life against those who threaten it. In the game of survival, if pikachu kill Eon and eevee, that's because they are stronger and the predators deserved to die. It's mean, it's cold, but it's nature. That's why you should thank Sparktail for having a heart and respecting those he know, or else the ending would have been far more different (though, you may have to thank Kagai too, though I dunno about that).

Oh well... enjoy the ending!

PS: That was a weird universe...
PPS: You know, you didn't even play drunken Es' yet since you said that...

Lohtc Karhsim: ...nope, I have nothing nice to say, sorry. Enjoy the ending.


This ends the last review responses before the ending. The last responses for this will be posted at the same as my short sequel. Keep an eye open for it!



Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chapter 18 of Sparking Chaos posted!

Hello everyone.

Yesterday, I posted the 18th chapter of my story, which is coming to a close soon... maybe... Well, actually, it may not. I'm faced with three possibilities. I could

a) Have a mid-lenghish sequel with a new character, though the story may not get finished. Sparking Chaos would end at chapter 19.
b) Have a much shorter version of the sequel as the ending of Sparking Chaos, though it means Rick may partially fade into the background to give some place to this new character.
c) Have the shorter version of the sequel as a separate short story starring my new character more prominently than it would in Sparking Chaos.

I'm not sure which to choose and I could use some input. Please people, vote on the poll. This one is serious. And, as usual, here your review responses.


Review Response Corner

AltoGuardian: Yeah... Rick did have a sucky childhood. I think I mentioned that early in the story... or it might have been in an RP somewhere, I lose track of those things sometime. Those pokemon appeared in his dream because they were part of the team, even if I didn't like them enough to showcase them. You're not supposed to tell people Jen is CENSURED, though. I'm sure some people didn't read Fractured Bond.

Oh well... as for your thing about number, no chu ever actually said a number, it was part of the narration. If one did, well... sorry, it was my mistake. I can't be perfect. As for Rick's knowledge, he wouldn't still be able to write his name on a keyboard. What is lost is lost. What we all thought he lost later was Pwywave's doing, but the things he said were lost at the very beginning when he was thinking like a human, they are kind of gone forever.

So... yup... Shocky is one cute pichu, huh? He can almost get away with everything, but stealing food. (point at subtitle of my blog) Stealing food is bad. Finally, Strongclaw didn't fight Sparktail for the reasons you saw in chapter 18.

Yeah... I don't think Sparktail do so much from now on, but at least he can gloat about having had one productive day. Good for him and his people. Hail Sparktail!

Foxyjosh: As you saw, the elder didn't have much of a choice as to what he would do next. Keep reading!

ShadowBlueShane: I don't know how Strongclaw will take it, but the Elder sure took it bad. Didn't know Sparky could fight, huh? I didn't either. We all learned something.

HelKat: Yeah, Sparktail loves to gives himself trouble by accepting more and more task. Makes me think about some people I know (whistle innocently)

Kirby: Taking Hostages? Sparktail just freed those people from the evil Elder and his corruption with mindless ideas and no scientific advancement! Die! You don't have to feel bad for Jen and Rick, though. Jen was fine with what happened to her and Rick... well... we will see soon enough with him. At least, he was nice enough to dream about her... the pervchu.

No one said pokemon battles were all about glory and happiness and fainting. There are blood and injuries and bad stuff happening and I hope people start to feel bad for the poor pokemon forced to battle! Oh wait, this is about wild pokemon... nevermind. Wild is always violent and bloody. I sure wouldn't want to be either of them neither. Only a weirdo would want to be a pokemon or a pet pokemon... or a pokemon's pet. (smirk)

That off topic statement about Psywave and Es' blocking him was cute, but I doubt it would be completely true... but I'm not sure, so I wouldn't say anything. By the way, I would have Sparktail say that she's beautiful, but I didn't want to make you jealous. I swear, that's what I thought about when I wrote that part. The human Jen (or morph) is your turf. Sparky should only have feelings for the pikachu Jen... which he won't anymore. (sad) I didn't like that bit about scene changes, though. It only proved further how much lazy you can be. Bad Kirb! (hit you with a stick of elemental iron)

He is the only one with a pokemon as a son? (point at Brownie and Kagai) They tell me otherwise. (stick my tongue out at you) Yeah, Sparky can be awkward... especially when he tries to do things... which is what Sparktail does. He does things. (K.A.-ish)

Damn, that response is getting long and lunch time is almost over. Thanks you, fast typing speed today! So... what's Kira doing here? She hugging MY pokemon! Let him go! (try to split them up) He's not your pet! Bad! Kids those days...

Shocky could talk, but you have to admit that nodding and using numbers can help people in many situations where complex sentences wouldn't be as efficient. Symbols are also cool because they can have meaning not everyone understand. Never heard of secrecy? Pikachu sure didn't yet. It's a miracle the pachirisu aren't stealing from their food reserve (Magic passes by with an apple) Too late.

You may or may not have come up with Sparkytail. I know you did come up with Sparky, though. Sparky didn't like to be called like that at first, but he got used to it, I guess. Huh, Sparky?

Sparky: (biting an apple) Huh?

Forget I said anything, so... next... yup, pikachu are paranoid. I wouldn't expect any less from creatures who think their God could kill them anytime without warning if they do bad. I would be nervous too, if I was them. That, and if I was 16 inches tall and a tasty treat to almost anything else in the forest. I wouldn't complain too much about being food though, but that's just me.

Sparky is laughing like Pikachu. Didn't I tell you Sparky's behavior is derived from Pikachu, my character who was Pikachu from the anime? No? Oh well... I had unoriginal characters, back then. (point at Pika and Squirt)

(so long) So... yeah, Sparky called pikachu "people", so what? He is trying to make them more human, he has to start by treating as such. Some diplomacy never hurt. Sure, Pikachu probably don't know the meaning of the word people, but it doesn't stop Sparky from trying. Sparky is cool like that.

I already said somewhere else that "warming" was meant to be "warning". Next.

I know, it's sad that he didn't get to show all three weak spots, but he has to keep some secrets to himself if he wants to stay at the top. But if you need to know, the week spots are the snout, the belly and between the legs. Of course, pulling the tail could count, but it's not as easily accesible and practical.

(I see the end! Woo!) If the battle was anti-climatic, at least he won. It would have been even more anti-climatic if the Elder had slashed Sparky's throat with his impossible claws from the past and killed our hero on the spot. It would have been even more the sudden than the death of you-know-who...

Kagai: Someone died?

No, Kagai, nobody died.

Kagai: Phew...

So... yeah, it's nice to know that you liked my chapter and I hope to get a review as long as this one next time. It's a pain to reply too, though, but that's my problem because I am the one who chose to reply to every review. Bye!

P.S.: Phew... eevee sucks! (Kagai slashes me) They are great! I swear I never thought otherwise! (Kagai grins)
P.P.S.: What? I thought I told you to stop hugging that poor pichu to death already! (poke Kira with a stick) Come on! Go away! Go back home! Kids...

markrock18: It's nice to see you like my story. I hope you continue to read it!


Yay! Reviews responses are done! Don't forget to vote on the poll! Last time, people said Sparky was as much evil as Dr. Evil. Giovanni got only one vote. Morale: People have no idea what evil is.

That's all for now! Ciao!