Thursday, May 15, 2008

My own blog

Welcome to my own personal blog, that I nicely dubbed my nest. Why, you may ask? Well... only because pikachu (and many other pokémon and animals) call their home like this. So, welcome. I don't have much to say, but when I will, I will make sure to tell you, or you could just read this page, really. In other news, I'm writing a new chapter of Sparking Chaos. And by writing, I mean that I wrote

Chapter 13: *Insert title here later*

*Insert chapter body here*

In other words, I'm a lazy bum. Don't forget to remind that I am, it helps me to go faster. Now, though, I said everything I could say, so later!

P.S.: Comments are appreciated and will be replied to.


Kirby Oak said...

OMG! It's, like, so totally your best chapy, evah! Like, keep up the totally awesome work! LOL

DarkPokemonLover said...

Thanks for the enthusiasm comment, kirby oak. I hope there will be more people like you to say good things or bad things about my story, or my life... or whatever I post here.

The wheneverly Kaz said...

If you could find a good free text-to-speech program DPL, I would read your story. I need it to pace me.

DarkPokemonLover said...

I found this

You select anything, press play and the software read it. Sadly, the free version uses the crappy Microsoft Sam voice and comes with none of those cool real natural sounding voice they advertise. Those natural sounding voices are cool though, even if they are obviously synthesized, I can understand them easily.

Anonymous said...

You're doing good, but I honestly have to say that you're the laziest piece of talent I've ever met. Seriosly! You're an awesome writer and you just sit on your but whining! And I say that with all the respect and appreciation in the world. But you are a REALLY good author, if only you'd work on your story more often! Maybe if I started competing with you and seeing who could write a chapter faster/better. hmmm...... the idea has merit.
Anyways, apples for Magic, and oranges for Sparky!

DarkPokemonLover said...

Cool. I good half a flame. Actually, I tried to work on my story this weekend, but each time I got on the computer, my sister stole it. Oh well, despite all that, I got at least one hour of writing time. It's better than nothing. Thanks for coming here and I hope to see you more often. This place is dead (I hope to have more people after I advertise it on my next chappy)

Kirby Oak said...

Oh, Tyler, you obviously haven't met me. Granted, I doubt I'm more talented than our mutual friend here, but I am without a doubt lazier in every sense of the word.

Speaking of which, Ricky, I probably won't have your review today. Sorry. I was in the middle of doing it when FireFox started being mean, and what I had so far written of my review ended up being erased, so now I've lost my motivation to do it. Sorry, again.

DarkPokemonLover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DarkPokemonLover said...

It's ok, Kirb... I can wait. By the way, Tyler, Sparky doesn't eat oranges, he eats apples too. Oranges are for other kind of pokemon, like Mankey.

Kirby Oak said...

Well... I'll try to get to it as soon as possible...

Es': (Takes one of the oranges and starts eating it)

Er... I'd apologize for her, but I'm not sure it's worth it anymore...

DarkPokemonLover said...

Aww... (give Es' another orange) if she likes my oranges, I take it as being an apology in itself. It's not, but I don't really care. Beside, you are not the only one who hadn't reviewed yet (point at Tyler), so it could be worse.

Anonymous said...

First off, I knew that Sparktail liked apples, I was just trying to bug him by giving them to magic (at the time didn't know about the "tragic accident") and he'd get jealous because he just got oranges. As for my review, it would have been up already, but when I went to do it, the log-in/review system was down so it wouldn't let me.

P.S. How do you put a picture next to your comments?

Kirby Oak said...

Well, you need a blogger account (which you should already have, since they're affiliated with google, so just use what you do for Google Documents), then you need to go into your profile settings and upload one.

DarkPokemonLover said...

Kirby was faster than me on this one, but what he said is true. As long you are logged on Gmail/GDocs (you don't have to have an active Gpage, just having been logged recently. (the magic of cookies will do the trick)). As for the review (check stats)Nope... no review. But approaching 100 hits! Yay!!! (dance)

Anonymous said...

I finally got my review up! Yay!

Something I've noticed lately is that Sparky seems to be acting more selfish than usual instead of less. You'd think that after that little experience with Psywave he'd wise up a little. Kirby, I just noticed this, but in your first comment you sound just like Misty's sisters Lily, Daisy, and Violet. ROFL!