Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Break time

Well, it finally came to this. Stress, pressure, school, all of it is too much and I cracked. I went to see my teacher and I got a break until Monday (after crying in front of him). No exam, no project, no report, only relaxation. To give you an idea of how drained I am, here's the progress list for yesterday:

Activity Success
-Buy food 100% done
-No RP while school 50%. I didn't RP at school, but I did at home.
-Write report part 0% I tried so very hard to understand, I worked many hours, but nothing came up
-No project 100%/td>
-Go sleep at 9:30PM 0% I went to sleep at 2AM, after killing myself trying to fill my brain with knowledge
-Read logs on Skype 0% I didn't have time to.

Conclusion: So I do need a break. My list for today will be short.

Activity Reason
-Relax, do no pressuring activities No comment...

That's all. Hopefully, things get better. Ciao.

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