Monday, February 15, 2010

New entry

...well... I'm bored, going around all google related things for the heck of it and I noticed Kirb posted a comment on Nov. 18th requesting a new entry, so here it comes, about 3 months later. >_>

I'm probably not coming back here to write long entries about complains, but now that I think about it, it could help me to put some order in my life if I write down the things I wanna do, so I can look back and see at how good or badly I was at doing them and auto-evaluate myself daily.

So, here's my list for today:

Activity Reason
-Buy food There's a 10% deduction if I buy more than 50$ on Monday. Bonus if I buy good food...
-No RP while school So work can go faster, so I can relax more tonight
-Write report part If I do it today, I will be able to relax later on
-No project ...too much of it?
-Go sleep at 9:30PM I went to sleep late yesterday and I'm tired
-Read logs on Skype It's probably long and I have to do it eventually

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