Saturday, August 23, 2008

New... chapter? Nope... new story!

Hello, everyone.

Today I was bored, so I decided to write something I had in mind for a long time, back when I wrote chapter 14 months ago. I found it sad that Sparking Chaos doesn't talk much about what happened to Jen and Kagai, so this new story is there to fix that, as well as a few other things! I talked about those things in the author notes of the chapter, so I won't say anything more. It's called Fractured Bond. Have a nice day and reading!



Kirby Oak said...

(Stops reading Sparking Chaos and goes to only reading Fractured Bond)


Kidding! I'll read both, of course.

DarkPokemonLover said...

I think that Jen threw a spell on you... and Kagai. Hmm... probably only Kagai. Sly sly umbreon is sly... slyly.