Monday, August 4, 2008


I'm in a pichu mood and people were doing this, so...

1. What is your character's name?


2. What is your character's name in another language?

Chupii (What? Pichu have their language...)

3. How old is he/she?

Depends. A few months as a pichu, though she has been seen to be a teen or a child in some places.

4. What is your character's race/species?


5. Do they have a crush?

No, though she likes a pichu named Jolt.

6. Do they have many friends?

A few, but other pichu are, according to her, "stupid".

7. What planet is your character from?

Earth. (though one could say Pokemon World, I guess)

8. Does your character like to eat?

Yes, a lot, especially if she's around apples.

9. What's his/her favorite food?


10. What's his/her favorite drink?

Her mother's milk.

11. Is your character annoying?

She can be when she's being playful

13. Is your character loved?

By other pichu, yes. By her parents, yes. But you are a predator, you probably don't like her. She messed up.

14. Is your character hated?

Hating a pichu?

15. Is she/he emo/goth?

She can be sad because of her gift and the pain it can be at times, but otherwise, she's cheerful, like any other pichu.

16. Is she/he straight, bisexual, or gay?

Straight. I didn't see a gay pokemon yet.

17. Is she/he a virgin?

...she's a child...

18. Name 3 hobbies:

Playing, eating and being mishevious with her psychic powers

19. Is your character normal?

A psychic pichu with more power than the average human gifted individul? Hardly normal.

20. Is your character attractive?

I would say, cute.

21. How does your character handle emotions?

She can, most of the time, as required by the control of her gift. She can lose it at times, but it will be more like sadness about how different she is from the other pichu.

22. Does your character have other forms?


23. Does your character overreact?

Being a pichu, overreacting kinda defines what she is. Everything around her is something special.

24. Is your character a criminal?

Some may say she is. She does steal knowledge from other, even if she knows it's bad.

26. What's his/her IQ?

Close to the average human's (which makes her a genius among pichu)

27. Does your character have a disease/curse?

She's gifted and with very little in a pichu body to control it.

28. Is your character dead?


29. Does your character have a family?

Yup. Her parents are-- (is kinapped by the plot ninjas)

30. Has he/she encountered any tragic times in life?

I'm not sure... maybe learning to control her gift. She was outcasted for being weird and that wasn't fun.

31. What's the best time in your character's life?

About... now, since she's an innocent pichu.

32. If you could name 1 friend, which would you relate to your character?

I would says Ramira, for the cheerfulness, but even there, it's not really close.

33. Is your character single?

Again, she's a pichu!

34. Has he/she developed any relationships?


35. Does he/she have an element?

Electricity? Duh!

36. Do you roleplay your character?


37. Do you write about your character?


38. Does your character have a bad temper at times?

Being a child, she can be impatient at times.

39. Does your character get depressed?

It happened before, but like I said, it's more like sadness.

40. What's your characters favorite animal?

Pikachu. She wants to be one.

41. Does your character have any fears?

She's scared of that hole in a nearby tree... but seriously, not really.

42. Does your character have any weaknesses?

Her gift and and naivety.

43. Does your character look up to anyone?

Her father and her mother.

44. Does your character like music?


45. What's your character's favorite type of music?

Chu tribal songs.

46. Is he/she impatient?

Yes, I believe I mentioned that already.

47. What's something funny about your character?

She's cute, innocent looking, but she can be powerful and deadly. I think it's funny.

48. Name 5 nicknames

5? Err...

49. Does your character curse?

Is "Awwww...." cursing?

50. This test is over, what does your character have to say?

Awww.... I was having fun... (sees a friend) Yay! (runs to him/her)


The wheneverly Kaz said...

I want to find a better list than this.

DarkPokemonLover said...

Yeah... good luck with that.