Friday, August 8, 2008

Chapter 13 posted!

OMG! (or any other deity) I posted a new chapter! Yay! I mayu have dragged this blog out of the unknown! Yay! I have apply juice! Yay!

Alright... enough celebrating, let's go to the bulk of the subject. As you probably know by now, I posted chapter 13. And as you also know, It took me 3 months before posting it. Well... this doesn't reflect reality. The true is... I am writting chapter 16 right now, but I can't post them. Why? Because I have problems with my proofreaders and University made it so I didn't have time to organize things to go more fluidly. If you look at the earlier entries of this blog (they have a few goodies, too), you will see that I plan to write the rest of my story during the next month. As of such, this blog will see daily updates about stuff and things, if people participate. I have chapter 14 proofread and I will send it for a final proofreading. If I am lucky, it will be posted within the next week. Also, next Friday, I will change the question of the poll, so you only have one week left to vote on it.

Now that this is behind me, here's the fabled lost Review Response section, for your own enjoyment (and mine)

Foxyjosh: Well... you got it wrong. While it's true that eevee can evolve by happiness, like in the games (the same is true for pichu), I don't have it exactly the same way. A baby pokemon can evolve if they are old enough and really wants it to happen. Usually, it happens through group rituals, but Kagai had it a bit different, as you will see in this chapter. Oh well... nice try anyway.

HelKat: Interesting hypothesis concerning the stuck in the past thing, but it's not her case. At least, it's not what made her evolve. The farmer things isn't true, but isn't entirely false in a way, but doesn't really matter as it comes to her real enemies. But, with those guesses, you win the number 2 spot in my contest. Congratulation! By the way, Umbreon is also one of my favorite pokemon, hence why it is in my story. The real reason for her being there though is because the character have been created long ago, not long after Sparky was made.

Kirby: Stop refreshing my chapter! Nah... it's alright now, since it counts visitors with that new nifty tracking option on Jen isn't mad at you for not celebrating her birthday, since she didn't celebrate yours either. Oh... here's Miya! She likes your ice cream. *Miya shrinks you and place you in her ice cream.* Hehe... now... yeah, I don't like gore much either... maybe. Well... I don't feel like responding to all those Post-Pre-Scripts, so I will do an abriged version: (hit you) I was talking about stuff and I sometime get tired too, so you are not alone. Good. Now it seems that I reached the actual review, at long last! *holy music* Let see... yes, I know that fire doesn't need a spark, but I needed some kind of analogy. Yes, Kagai is really cute (pet her). Yes... it's /really/ a shame she's not an espeon, though pichu are /much/ cuter (grin). Well... she was preprared for living in the wild, but was more at the stade of her life where she played games. She was about to learn about the real stuff, but... (the plot ninjas are staring at me) ...anyway... next point. Kagai thinks that everyone is weird, because she's one cynical umbreon, so it doesn't mean Jen is weird because Kagai says she is. No, Kagai doesn't want to be an eevee again. Go play with Thirteen! (read point about Sunny smelling the umbreon's scent.) Err... look, ice cream! (point left and run away to the right) Oh well... thanks for saying my chapter was good! (hug the Kira-you) You know, you were hugging too many people and pokemon at the end of that review. You probably hurt some of them. Oh, by the way, I posted this in one big paragraph because I am evil.

Tyler: Yeah, Magic was cool while she lasted. (skip big paragraph) Now... yeah, the first part was mystic and unrelated. I love to go offtopic, like that time I was at school and that guy asked me a question and I... (ramble for 20 minutes)... so yeah, I love to go offtopic. Yeah... highschool blew up that innocence for me... oh well, not really... but it's still reasonable to feel sorry for Kagai. She had it hard. Gory details are cool. What's wrong with people not liking it? (people stare at me weirdly) Err... yeah, it's going to be fun when those two meet. Though, Kagai personality is not that childish. You should meet Thirteen. That's a real crazy girl. Will we see L and S again? I'm going to answer now: No. They suck and are unimportant anyway. I hope I didn't frustate any reader here. I will try not to take so long with next chapter... oops... I already did. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!.... Sorry!

AltoGuardian: I wouldn't become an author, because English isn't my first language. Well... I might if I do go live in the USA one day, but until then, nawww... Ok, to the actual response. Well... we have something in common, we don't like Rick. But, I tell you something (since I have written chapter 16), don't hate him yet. Well... yes you can hate him, but not really. I mean... it's kind of hard to explain, but you will see clearer later on. Jen is cool, yes. It's a shame that... (is kidnapped by the plot ninjas again) Plot Ninja: Congratulation for winning the guessing contest. Your prize shall be revealed when the time will come.

Voila! I hope you enjoyed those! Funny enough, I notice that I revealed Kagai's name before I made sure you had read the chapter... oh well... I'm sorry about that. Please leave comments! I will happily reply to them all.



Kirby Oak said...

I suppose I should move the "Reviewer's Notes" section to here, too... I don't really remember what I said in my last review that you responded to, though, so... (Shrug) I hope you don't mind if it takes me a bit to get to reading the actual chapter... Speaking of bit, my Bit plushy came today. A little late to make me feel better, but it's still nice to have.

DarkPokemonLover said...

Oh... that's why you were always talking about a Bit plushy! You had ordered one. Well... I didn't know about that. I suppose you talked about it many times on Skype and supposed I knew about it. Oh well... I didn't. It's good that you have a plushie, though... if it can makes you less crazy... really, you scared me yesterday.

The wheneverly Kaz said...

Help! I'm turning into an eevee!

DarkPokemonLover said...

Ok... calm down K.A. ... you were an umbreon before, so you should be fine... I hope. If not, well... (throw you a chew toy) Have fun with that.

Kirby Oak said...

Wait... Why would anyone complain about turning into an eevee?

DarkPokemonLover said...

Because most people aren't you and are normal, Kirb.