Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Finals are over!!! Yay! Now, it's beer time... err... I mean... I'm going to go home and calmly go back to writing my story... while drinking alchoolized drinks. Well... half the bottle remaining in my dorm, because I can't leave it there and I can't move it from there, because the top is broken. So, either I throw it away, I put it in a sealing container or I drink it. Since I don't like to waste things and that I don't have a sealing container, I'm going to drink those 5 oz of beer. Yay for being cheap!


To my defense, I'm not going to touch the 3 unopened beers in my fridge. I think my mom will like to have those. So, it makes a gift... yay for being cheap again!

EDIT: Well... I did not write my story... but I drank that evil drink of the devil, so now, at least I'm free of seeing that thing waste itself in the fridge. I'm not too proud of myself, but, I think I was too tired to write my story anyway. I will give another shot at it tomorrow. For now... sleepy time! (go in sleepy world)


The wheneverly Kaz said...

Generic congratulatory words.

DarkPokemonLover said...

Thanks, K.A.! I love those generic congratulatory words!