Sunday, August 17, 2008

More writtingness and food


Today was my sister's birthday, so we went to a restaurant where you can eat everything you want, so I ate a lot again today. I think I took 4-5lbs in those two days. Oh well... it's all good. Other than that, I woke up late today and I worked on chapter 19. At this rate, I will finish it today, so I will start working on the last chapter tomorrow (and will likely complete it, as it might not even reach the minimal 5000 words)). It's making me all emotional and nostalgic, but that's because I'm an emotive person like that.

That's all I had to say. Back to writing. Ciao!


Kirby Oak said...

Psh... You and your story...

DarkPokemonLover said...

Hey... you are only saying that because I am spending more time with it than with you and you are jealous.

Sparking Choas: (hugs me) Mine!

Kirby Oak said...

Pretty much... and the fact that I can't think of anything other than RPing that helps me feel emotionally better right now... I think that's just a sign of how dependent I am on it... so maybe this is a good thing... maybe...

But really, is it that hard to alternate between writing your story and writing a post? You could only do one RP if you want. I'd prefer Evo or T2T, but it's your choice, really.

DarkPokemonLover said...

I want to sleep Kirb... and I don't write my story on the same computer that has the Internet and they are on two different floors. I'm going to write nothing tonight. It's 11, I spent my limited online time on dial-up to take care of my things and I don't want to go to sleep too late, because I still have about 1500 words to write tonight and I have the rest of the story to write tomorrow. Then, I will be back to RPing and to play with you. I will have all the time in the world, because I will have finished my story. There, now, if you will excuse me, it's already 11:05. Night.

Kirby Oak said...

You could have at least suggested some other way I could cheer myself up...