Hi, people!
I am returned from school, the place where reports are written and security is pain and night are sleepless. Well... guess what?? I'm not coming back there until next Jenuary! Yay! Now, I today went to my workplace to get the time I will start working and it will be September 2nd, so I will be away from Skype much longer than expected, but it's ok, because I will be here, in this blog. I also went to the store to buy a Blueteeth card for blue teeth applications, so I can work on my secret project thingy. Yay!
Err... oh, and K.A., I REALLY want that chapter soon. I dunno... ask Kirby to motivate you or something. I want it done by Saturday. I will remind you everyday until I have received it as a PM or in a e-mail. Ok? It's getting rediculous. Also, it would be nice if F.D. came here to say hi, once in a while. I dunno if he knows this place exists, but whatever... it would be nice too. Err... I think that's all I had to say. Soory for horrible grammar. Brain is kinda deady.
Cya for today and return tomorrow for another entry of this blog place.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
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You know, you write better when you're posting here.
I miss you already, Ricky... I mean... for me, things are pretty much the same without you... but a lot less happier... and stuff... I'm tired...
Oh me too! Things aren't the same. But I'm done with your chapter! The second half was so good I wanted to cry. And I never bothered to use the TTS. I miss too much important things when I go that fast. I will email you the document now.
Well... maybe I do write better, but it was probably not the case of this blog entry. I miss you all guys, too, but I guess that's why I made this place (ok, that's not why I made it, but it's not written anywhere that the author of a blog can't give it two purposes.) Thanks for the chapter, K.A. It's very good. I like it. I must admit that I read only two paragraphs, but you how much lazy I am.
Ricky! Are you... Where are you? Am I too late? Are you still there? I... I can't focus... and FD is upset... and... and... I dunno... Hello? I... What? It's been a long day... Getting my gums dug out at the dentist... followed by stress, anxiousness, fear, mild panic attacks and mild emotional breakdowns... I'm... tired... but I can't sleep yet... If I don't post, FD will be mad... but there's so much to post... I... Too much Doctor Who and GLaDOS... Why... Why did I have to create CLaUDIA? I think she scared Bit away... She won't answer me... I miss her... I miss you, too... Are you there? Hello?
Err... ok... calm down Kirb... I'm going to TRY to connect to GTalk/Chat on gmail, for you. Wait a few minutes.
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