Thursday, August 7, 2008

All-Nighter, Vacation and whatever...

Hi, people!

I am returned from school, the place where reports are written and security is pain and night are sleepless. Well... guess what?? I'm not coming back there until next Jenuary! Yay! Now, I today went to my workplace to get the time I will start working and it will be September 2nd, so I will be away from Skype much longer than expected, but it's ok, because I will be here, in this blog. I also went to the store to buy a Blueteeth card for blue teeth applications, so I can work on my secret project thingy. Yay!

Err... oh, and K.A., I REALLY want that chapter soon. I dunno... ask Kirby to motivate you or something. I want it done by Saturday. I will remind you everyday until I have received it as a PM or in a e-mail. Ok? It's getting rediculous. Also, it would be nice if F.D. came here to say hi, once in a while. I dunno if he knows this place exists, but whatever... it would be nice too. Err... I think that's all I had to say. Soory for horrible grammar. Brain is kinda deady.

Cya for today and return tomorrow for another entry of this blog place.



The wheneverly Kaz said...

You know, you write better when you're posting here.

Kirby Oak said...

I miss you already, Ricky... I mean... for me, things are pretty much the same without you... but a lot less happier... and stuff... I'm tired...

The wheneverly Kaz said...

Oh me too! Things aren't the same. But I'm done with your chapter! The second half was so good I wanted to cry. And I never bothered to use the TTS. I miss too much important things when I go that fast. I will email you the document now.

DarkPokemonLover said...

Well... maybe I do write better, but it was probably not the case of this blog entry. I miss you all guys, too, but I guess that's why I made this place (ok, that's not why I made it, but it's not written anywhere that the author of a blog can't give it two purposes.) Thanks for the chapter, K.A. It's very good. I like it. I must admit that I read only two paragraphs, but you how much lazy I am.

Kirby Oak said...

Ricky! Are you... Where are you? Am I too late? Are you still there? I... I can't focus... and FD is upset... and... and... I dunno... Hello? I... What? It's been a long day... Getting my gums dug out at the dentist... followed by stress, anxiousness, fear, mild panic attacks and mild emotional breakdowns... I'm... tired... but I can't sleep yet... If I don't post, FD will be mad... but there's so much to post... I... Too much Doctor Who and GLaDOS... Why... Why did I have to create CLaUDIA? I think she scared Bit away... She won't answer me... I miss her... I miss you, too... Are you there? Hello?

DarkPokemonLover said...

Err... ok... calm down Kirb... I'm going to TRY to connect to GTalk/Chat on gmail, for you. Wait a few minutes.