Monday, October 5, 2009

Chemistry and pain

"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

Note: This is not a complain about the past and about a certain individual who will recognize himself, but about the future and stuff that can hurt.

I saw this little piece of text somewhere and it got me thinking. Not about it specifically, because I know that this statement is true. However, it is also true, in chemistry, than a transformation from putting two chemical together is often not revertible, so the day you wish to go back things were before, something doesn't quite work. Where there was H2 and O2 able to work independently, there is now OH- and H+ looking for something that's missing. So it got me thinking: is it really a good thing to seek to transform ourselves, if it's inevitably going to be destroyed and leave us in pain? In that light, I kind of pity my former best friend and his new best friend, because they fell in that trap and one day, one of them is going to be hurt greatly. Granted, this day might be very far off, maybe in 10 years, but it will happen, since nothing is forever. And that's sad. I conclude that to avoid such pain, people shouldn't do such things as heavily depending on others. Friendship is great and all that, but I'm kind of doubting it's worth the eventual pain of separation. Which probably makes me someone sour and stupid to the eyes of pretty much everyone in a couple on this planet, but I don't care.

This being said, I'm not immune to such change myself. I've already started to be transformed by spending time with Rougia. She's real nice, but I probably should start planning for the day she's not going to be there, because otherwise, I will probably be sad not to have someone to talk to or to do stupid playful RPs with. I dunno how I will do it, but I sure don't wish to fall in the trap of not having any escape door... again. That will probably make a nice discussion topic with Alpha tomorrow, so thanks to the two people who came up with that quote or at least took it somewhere to use it. I have a great duality to use here: The good brought by something and the potential pain from it, clashing. I do have trouble with that, since I fear the consequences of something, even if they are far off. I think being prepared is a good solution, but so is just not getting involved in the first place is. Yeah... in parting words, I hope nobody felt offended by this and that Rougia won't come to me wondering if I intend to stop talking to her to protect myself. The answer is no... for now. You never know how things can go. I'm crazy, anyway. Ciao.


Kirby Oak said...

Hm... That's all well and good, but you really shouldn't spend more energy on planning what you'll do when the friendship is over than you do on the friendship itself. Not saying you do. Just thinking. I'm also tempted to marry Kristen just to prove you wrong... but I have several better reasons than that, so...

Celeste: (Yawns)

...What are you doing here?

Celeste: I've been in your thoughts all morning. What do you expect?

Fair enough.

DPL said...

A wedding doesn't really prove anything, since a lot of weddings end up in a divorce nowaday. But I give you B for the effort. And a Gold Star. And a moonstone to Celeste. And a cookie to myself.


Kirby Oak said...

Celeste: (Eats the cookie then teleports away)

DarkPokemonLover said...

MAH COOKIE!!! *cry and go sleepies*