Sunday, October 11, 2009

Managing time

Today was a productive day. I've wrote posts, two entries for my Magic story, got my clothes cleaned and sent my work clothes to the dry cleaner. As I said this morning, I also went to dinner with my manager. I've learned a lot of things about him and that was cool. The big thing is that he's not even 30 years old, which is kinda weird. His wife is not canadian and he's a tech geek. So, I think it was kinda cool. The chicken was good, Wii Sport Resort was fun to play and it was all around nice to talk about lotsa things. The not fun part was when nobody talked, because I quickly realized that the three of us were shy people, so those moments ended up like silent, then awkward laugh, the more silence. It was weird. I also didn't appreciate that bad joke about French-Canadians. *grumble* Yes, we celebrate Christmas! What kind of question is that? Seriously! Meh. That was the stupidest question I have ever been asked. Anyway... if I ignore that, it was pretty much good. Overall, it felt like I always thought it would feel lf I had visited Kirby's home. Lotsa fun, some awkwards moments and a tad bit of uncomfortableness. And I didn't even have to go to another country to experience that, just another province. Yup. Now I'm sleepy. Ciao!

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