After talking with KA ealier tonight, I've realized something: Things have changed. In the last month, I've been visiting a psychologist to improve many things in my life. so far, I've succeeded with work. I'm way more productive than I have ever been. And lately, I felt like I was about to succeed in restoring the broken trust between Kirby Oak and I. But something stuck me: he changed. I'm not talking about his friendship with FD or his college life, but something more fundamental. I've always seen him as someone I could always speak with, no matter the time of the day. And I still saw him online all the time, so I kept that vision of him. But... it is wrong. He might be online, but he made a choice, the choice to, not only be best friend with FD, but to involve himself in activities requiring 100% of his focus, instead of multitasking like he did when he was best friend with me. In that regard, Kirby is not the person I thought could always be there, not anymore. Even if he wanted to do stuff with me, his life is already filled with a lot of commitments and those go first. Like mostly everyone else I know online, he now has a life (read as "having a filled agenda that cannot be moved around", not "having a life outside the computer").
In that context, trying to be friends with him would seem impossible, wouldn't it? How could I be friend with someone with so little time to give to people who aren't his best friend? But, I think that's the point of what I've realized today. My good friend on the Internet, Rougia, is not often available either. She has only two days in the week she doesn't work; the rest of the days, she works at night and sleep right before it and I'm mostly unavailable while I'm work. To make a short story, we probably have 1-2 good occasions every week to truly do things together; the rest of the time we talk, it's kept short. Yet, I consider us to be friends. Contradictory, isn't it? On one hand, I almost instinctively consider Kirby not to be a friend because he is busy and on the other hand, someone who can rarely play with me is considered a friend. I've thought about it in my bed last night, and the answer seemed so simple I almost feel stupid for not thinking about it: It's all a matter of perspective. With Rougia, I have known from the day 1 that she wasn't often available and I've accepted it as being a part of our friendship. With Kirby, I've become used to him always being online and it's hard for me to accept anything less than that.
But... things do change. It's an unavoidable fact of life. I'm the first one to have changed, most ironically. The days I could stay up late and play all night are a thing of the past. Now, I have to go sleep early to have enough energy to go through a whole day while staying mentally productive and creative. On weekends, I have certain tasks to accomplish, because I don't have time to on weekdays. On the top of all that, there are a lot of daily things, such as eating and keeping myself clean, that have to be done. Kirby seek someone friendly he could spend his online time with... and unfortunately, I cannot really fill that role. Friendly, I think I can be now. Available? Nope, that I can't. So I think... that even if FD wasn't around, that Kirb wouldn't find that kind of solution in me. Not someone with a busy life like me. It comes with a price, though. Someone else filled that role and together, they have chosen activities preventing anyone else from even thinking about getting close with any of these two.
In light of all this, is Kirby Oak still my friend: Yes. Not a terrific friend. Not a close friend, not even a real friend, but a friend nonetheless. Because, beyond the facts that we both got a life now, we still have a few shared interests. So long I am nice and go on with my life when things aren't all perfect, I think we can be good friends. I've been wrong all that time. Friendship isn't counted in minutes spent together, in number of RP played or any other superficial parameter. Friendship is about feeling comfortable around another person. I feel comfortable around Rou, around FD, around KA and around Kirby. Those are all my friends. My time with them might be limited... but I wouldn't want it gone for all the money in the world. What makes 10 minutes in a day so wonderful... that's what friendship is. If anyone in the Skype group is reading this... I want to be back home, guys.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Lone week, productive week
Hello everyone.
Tonight is the end of another long week of work, but unlike all the other weeks so far, my manager wasn't there at all. I was alone to do everything I had to do. I thought at first that it would have been too hard, but I did a lot better than expected. This said, this week was also one of change, so it hadn't have the most productive one in every aspect. However, considering that I was alone and that I can't be perfect immediately, I think I've reached a positive and encouraging level of achievement. I've also received my Halloween costume, which, I must admit, kind of seem to be rushed at some places. I guess that's a fair consequence of asking for express delivery. It's good enough for its purpose. I'm a bit disappointed that the ears aren't removable, because the hoodie is very stylish and certainly could be wore on some other days that aren't Halloween. Hopefully, maybe Gramma or mom will find a way to fix that in a few months. For now, I will focus on next week. There's that party Friday, but also work to be done. I will also look for a new laptop tomorrow. It's probably going to be nice. I'm sure. Either way, I blame Jen, as usual. I think I said everything for tonight, so Ciao!
Salut tout le monde.
Ce soir est la fin d'une autre longue semaine de travail, mais au contraire de toutes les autres semaines jusqu'à présent, mon boss n'était pas là du tout. J'étais tout seul pour faire toute la job. J'ai pensé que ça serait trop difficile, mais finalement, cela à été assez facile et une bonne expérience de vie. Cette semaine a aussi été une semaine de changement, donc ça n'à pas aider à faire de cette semaine la plus productive qui soit. Par contre, puisque j'étais seul et que je ne peux pas être parfait, je crois avoir atteint un bon niveau de positivisme et d'accomplissments. J'ai aussi reçu mon costume d'Halloween, qui, je doit l'avouer, semble un peu botché a certains endroits. Je suppose que c'est une conséquence correcte du fait que j'ai vraiment poussé pour une livraison expresse. On sème ce que l'on récolte. Le costume est assez correct pour ce que je vais en faire. En passant, je suis un peu désapointé que les oreilles peuvent pas être enlevé, parce que le jacket est vraiment cool et pourrait certainement être porté lors de d'autre jours que l'Halloween. Peut-être que grand-moman ou moman pourrait le changer dans quelque mois. Pour l'instant, je vais focuser sur la prochaine semaine. Il y a un party vendredi et du travail doit être fait. Je vais aussi regarder pour un nouveau laptop demain. Ca va etre le fun, je suis sur. Peut-importe, je blame Jen, comme d'habitude. Je crois que j'ai tout dis pour ce soir, alors Ciao!
Tonight is the end of another long week of work, but unlike all the other weeks so far, my manager wasn't there at all. I was alone to do everything I had to do. I thought at first that it would have been too hard, but I did a lot better than expected. This said, this week was also one of change, so it hadn't have the most productive one in every aspect. However, considering that I was alone and that I can't be perfect immediately, I think I've reached a positive and encouraging level of achievement. I've also received my Halloween costume, which, I must admit, kind of seem to be rushed at some places. I guess that's a fair consequence of asking for express delivery. It's good enough for its purpose. I'm a bit disappointed that the ears aren't removable, because the hoodie is very stylish and certainly could be wore on some other days that aren't Halloween. Hopefully, maybe Gramma or mom will find a way to fix that in a few months. For now, I will focus on next week. There's that party Friday, but also work to be done. I will also look for a new laptop tomorrow. It's probably going to be nice. I'm sure. Either way, I blame Jen, as usual. I think I said everything for tonight, so Ciao!
Salut tout le monde.
Ce soir est la fin d'une autre longue semaine de travail, mais au contraire de toutes les autres semaines jusqu'à présent, mon boss n'était pas là du tout. J'étais tout seul pour faire toute la job. J'ai pensé que ça serait trop difficile, mais finalement, cela à été assez facile et une bonne expérience de vie. Cette semaine a aussi été une semaine de changement, donc ça n'à pas aider à faire de cette semaine la plus productive qui soit. Par contre, puisque j'étais seul et que je ne peux pas être parfait, je crois avoir atteint un bon niveau de positivisme et d'accomplissments. J'ai aussi reçu mon costume d'Halloween, qui, je doit l'avouer, semble un peu botché a certains endroits. Je suppose que c'est une conséquence correcte du fait que j'ai vraiment poussé pour une livraison expresse. On sème ce que l'on récolte. Le costume est assez correct pour ce que je vais en faire. En passant, je suis un peu désapointé que les oreilles peuvent pas être enlevé, parce que le jacket est vraiment cool et pourrait certainement être porté lors de d'autre jours que l'Halloween. Peut-être que grand-moman ou moman pourrait le changer dans quelque mois. Pour l'instant, je vais focuser sur la prochaine semaine. Il y a un party vendredi et du travail doit être fait. Je vais aussi regarder pour un nouveau laptop demain. Ca va etre le fun, je suis sur. Peut-importe, je blame Jen, comme d'habitude. Je crois que j'ai tout dis pour ce soir, alors Ciao!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The return of the random morning post
Sparktail: *shows the scenes of yesterday's episode where he threatened to transform me into something to be mean* Hello. Since nobody expressed their opinion, I will choose mine over the opinion of everyone else! *cruel laugh*
He scares when he is all villain-like. *shudder*
Sparktail: *sets the TF gun* Since you are going to receive your Halloween costume and I think it's a bit childish to diguise at your age, I'm going to make you a chibi-umbreon. Hehehe! *shoots*
*turned into an eevee-sized umbreon* Hey! That's my favorite transformation! You don't have right to... Wait... I'm a chibi umbreon *wag tail* Yay! I'm awesome! *run all around the nest and Sparktail excitingly* Weee!
Sparktail: *pouts* He wasn't supposed to like it... Damn... Meh, I guess I will go back annoying Sa- I mean, Kai. Those two are too similar, itheys confusing. *shakes his head and walks away*
*still running around childishly* Ciao!
Sparktail: *montre la scene du dernier épisode où il a menacé de me transformer en quelque chose pour le fun.* Salut. Puisque personne a voté, je vais décider moi-même de la transformation pis ignorer l'opinion du monde enter *rire maléfique*
Il me fais quasiment peur quand il essaye d'être maléfique. *tremble*
Sparktail: *règle le TF gun* Puisque que tu as reçu ton costume d'Halloween pis que je trouve que c'est bébé de ce déguiser en Pokemon à ton âge, je vais te transformer en bébé umbreon. Héhéhé! *tire sur moi*
*transformé en bébé umbreon* Hé! C'est ma transformation favorite! T'à pas le droit de me la vol-- attend une minute... je suis un bébé umbreon! *bouge ma queue rapidement* Yay! Je suis cool! *cours autour de Sparktail avec entrain* Weeee!!!
Sparktail: *fait la baboune* Il était pas supposé d'aimer ça... calisse... Bah... je suppose que je vais retourner achaler Sa.. oh, je veux dire, Kai. Ces deux là se ressemblent trop. *part*
*Encore en train de courir partout comme un enfant* Ciao!
He scares when he is all villain-like. *shudder*
Sparktail: *sets the TF gun* Since you are going to receive your Halloween costume and I think it's a bit childish to diguise at your age, I'm going to make you a chibi-umbreon. Hehehe! *shoots*
*turned into an eevee-sized umbreon* Hey! That's my favorite transformation! You don't have right to... Wait... I'm a chibi umbreon *wag tail* Yay! I'm awesome! *run all around the nest and Sparktail excitingly* Weee!
Sparktail: *pouts* He wasn't supposed to like it... Damn... Meh, I guess I will go back annoying Sa- I mean, Kai. Those two are too similar, itheys confusing. *shakes his head and walks away*
*still running around childishly* Ciao!
Sparktail: *montre la scene du dernier épisode où il a menacé de me transformer en quelque chose pour le fun.* Salut. Puisque personne a voté, je vais décider moi-même de la transformation pis ignorer l'opinion du monde enter *rire maléfique*
Il me fais quasiment peur quand il essaye d'être maléfique. *tremble*
Sparktail: *règle le TF gun* Puisque que tu as reçu ton costume d'Halloween pis que je trouve que c'est bébé de ce déguiser en Pokemon à ton âge, je vais te transformer en bébé umbreon. Héhéhé! *tire sur moi*
*transformé en bébé umbreon* Hé! C'est ma transformation favorite! T'à pas le droit de me la vol-- attend une minute... je suis un bébé umbreon! *bouge ma queue rapidement* Yay! Je suis cool! *cours autour de Sparktail avec entrain* Weeee!!!
Sparktail: *fait la baboune* Il était pas supposé d'aimer ça... calisse... Bah... je suppose que je vais retourner achaler Sa.. oh, je veux dire, Kai. Ces deux là se ressemblent trop. *part*
*Encore en train de courir partout comme un enfant* Ciao!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Random morning post
Sparktail: *walks in, holding the TF gun* Hello, DPL friends and readers and family. Don't mind me, I'm not about to use the TF gun to transform DPL into something something for the heck of it.
*roll my eyes* Don't you have anything better to do? If it's about the fact we live in a burrow at shrunken size, then it has been 4 weeks now! Get over it!
Sparktail: Oh, I plan to, but I won't give, I will take. I'm taking over this place! As for you, you will be shrunk and given to Paige as a toy.
What? You can't do that! Paige doesn't like being dominant! It will make her uncomfortable!
Sparktail: Exactly. Or I could make you a girl to embarrass you two, or I could make you an eevee so you would be her pet or maybe mix them up! Hehe. What to choose? Hmm... I know! I will ask your previous readers for their opinion! *look at the "screen"* To choose the transformation to force on DPL by leaving your answer in a comment. If no comment is received by tomorrow morning, I will choose a random one.
Sparktail (un pikachu): *marche vers moi* Salut DPL, amis, lecteurs et sa famille. Faite pas attention a moi, je ne suis certainement a veille d'utiliser mon pistolet de ransformation (TF gun) sur DPL juste parce que ca me tente. *sourire malefique*
*roulement de yeux* T`a vraiment rien de mieux a faire de ton temps? Si c'est a propos du fait que je nous ait retrecit et enfermer dans un nid souterrain, ben essaye un peu de passer par dessus! Ca fait 4 semaines qu'on ait ici!
Sparktail: C'est exactement ce que je vais faire. Je pense que je vais te retrecir et te donner a Paige comme jouet.
Woah! Tu peux pas faire ca! Qui va proteger le nid? Pis de toute facon, Paige aime pas etre dominante et elle va etre incomfortable!
Sparktail: Exactement pourquoi je fais ca. Ou je pourrais year transformer en fille et vous embarraser tout les deux. Ou te transformer en eevee et te donner a Paige comme animal de compagnie! Hmm... Tellement de tortures possible. Donne moi un moment pour y reflechir...
*roll my eyes* Don't you have anything better to do? If it's about the fact we live in a burrow at shrunken size, then it has been 4 weeks now! Get over it!
Sparktail: Oh, I plan to, but I won't give, I will take. I'm taking over this place! As for you, you will be shrunk and given to Paige as a toy.
What? You can't do that! Paige doesn't like being dominant! It will make her uncomfortable!
Sparktail: Exactly. Or I could make you a girl to embarrass you two, or I could make you an eevee so you would be her pet or maybe mix them up! Hehe. What to choose? Hmm... I know! I will ask your previous readers for their opinion! *look at the "screen"* To choose the transformation to force on DPL by leaving your answer in a comment. If no comment is received by tomorrow morning, I will choose a random one.
Sparktail (un pikachu): *marche vers moi* Salut DPL, amis, lecteurs et sa famille. Faite pas attention a moi, je ne suis certainement a veille d'utiliser mon pistolet de ransformation (TF gun) sur DPL juste parce que ca me tente. *sourire malefique*
*roulement de yeux* T`a vraiment rien de mieux a faire de ton temps? Si c'est a propos du fait que je nous ait retrecit et enfermer dans un nid souterrain, ben essaye un peu de passer par dessus! Ca fait 4 semaines qu'on ait ici!
Sparktail: C'est exactement ce que je vais faire. Je pense que je vais te retrecir et te donner a Paige comme jouet.
Woah! Tu peux pas faire ca! Qui va proteger le nid? Pis de toute facon, Paige aime pas etre dominante et elle va etre incomfortable!
Sparktail: Exactement pourquoi je fais ca. Ou je pourrais year transformer en fille et vous embarraser tout les deux. Ou te transformer en eevee et te donner a Paige comme animal de compagnie! Hmm... Tellement de tortures possible. Donne moi un moment pour y reflechir...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hello everyone and lady.
Today was a second day of my new life filled with more nice things for me and eventually, a nicer me with everyone else. I've already seen positive effects out of it after two days. Yesterday was a bit slow to start off snaf not very productive at work, although more than Friday. I left work at 5 and had the time make myself a proper dinner, then to buy food, called my mom and went to sleep early. I would to note that I actually bought a vegetable at the grocery store. Next step is to eat it, but I already have a plan for that. Also, in order to go sleep in time, I read the summary of that episode I missed by going sleep early so I would get a bit of both. I'm proud of that too.
Now, today. Today was great. I had a slow start this morning, but this time, it only lasted 3 hours (I worked 1 hour overtime to compensate a bit) After that slow start though... Wow! Productivity went through the roof! I was given a task for the whole week ya see and I singlehandly finished it in one afternoon. I must have rolled an Exceptional Success at some point there. Heh. But the per extraordinary is that the custom Halloween costume I ordered has been finished this afternoon and is already in the mail! Yay! I may have it before weekend and have plenty of time to go get it at the post office, put it on and decide what kind of makeup I will add to make it more complete. I will look awesome at work next Friday, even if others decide they don't like it. I'm done living for others... Or trying to. It's hard to dro 15+ year old habits. Anyway, I sent an email to my boss explaining my successa and asking for more work.
Did I say today was great? Go DPL! Go! Ciao!
Workaround (Désolé, je ne connais pas la traduction de ce mot)
Salut tous le monde et mademoiselle!
Aujourd'hui, c'était la deuxième journée de ma nouvelle vie remplie de belles choses pour moi et, éventuallement, un moi plus gentil avec les autres. Les effets positifs ont déjà commencé a ce faire sentir après deux jours. La journée d'hier a été un peu plus lente et pas très productive au travail. mais c'était au moins mieux que vendredi. J'ai quitté la job a 5 heures, donc j'ai eu le temps de me faire un vrai souper, d'acheter de la bouffe, d'appeler moman et de me coucher de bonne heure. J'aimerais ajouter que j'ai acheté un légume, ce qui est une première pour moi. La prochaine étape est de manger le dit légume, mais j'ai aussi un plan pour cela. Ah, aussi, pour pouvoir me coucher de bonne heure, j'ai lu un résumé de l'épisode que j'ai du manquer pour me coucher tot, donc j'ai fais un compromis. Je suis fier de ca, aussi.
Maintenant, parlons de aujourd'hui. Aujourd'hui a été super cool. Encore un matin un peu slow, mais ca a seulement duré 3 heures. Après ca, par contre... wow! J'ai mis la pédale au plancher sur la productivité, comme jamais auparavant. Vous voyez, mon boss est pas là de la semaine, alors il m'à donné une tache qui devait prendre toute la semaine, mais tout fini cet après-midi. J'ai problablment du rouler un Success Incroyable a quelque moment dans la journée (essayez pas de comprendre, c'est une référence de WoD). Pour couronner le tout, mon costume d'Halloween est prêt et dans la malle au moment d'écrire ces lignes! Yay! je devrait le recevoir avant la fin de la semaine et avoir assez de temps pour le completer avec du maquillage et être prêt pour vendredi prochain. Ça va être cool, même si les autres décident qu'ils aiment pas. J'ai fini de vivre seulement pour faire plaisir aux autres. Je voulais CE costume et JE vais avoir le costume. Oh, pour finir, j'ai envoyé un email au boss pour expliquer mon succès et demander plus de job.
Oh, es-ce que j'ai dit que aujourd'hui était cool? Go DPL! Go! Ciao!
Today was a second day of my new life filled with more nice things for me and eventually, a nicer me with everyone else. I've already seen positive effects out of it after two days. Yesterday was a bit slow to start off snaf not very productive at work, although more than Friday. I left work at 5 and had the time make myself a proper dinner, then to buy food, called my mom and went to sleep early. I would to note that I actually bought a vegetable at the grocery store. Next step is to eat it, but I already have a plan for that. Also, in order to go sleep in time, I read the summary of that episode I missed by going sleep early so I would get a bit of both. I'm proud of that too.
Now, today. Today was great. I had a slow start this morning, but this time, it only lasted 3 hours (I worked 1 hour overtime to compensate a bit) After that slow start though... Wow! Productivity went through the roof! I was given a task for the whole week ya see and I singlehandly finished it in one afternoon. I must have rolled an Exceptional Success at some point there. Heh. But the per extraordinary is that the custom Halloween costume I ordered has been finished this afternoon and is already in the mail! Yay! I may have it before weekend and have plenty of time to go get it at the post office, put it on and decide what kind of makeup I will add to make it more complete. I will look awesome at work next Friday, even if others decide they don't like it. I'm done living for others... Or trying to. It's hard to dro 15+ year old habits. Anyway, I sent an email to my boss explaining my successa and asking for more work.
Did I say today was great? Go DPL! Go! Ciao!
Workaround (Désolé, je ne connais pas la traduction de ce mot)
Salut tous le monde et mademoiselle!
Aujourd'hui, c'était la deuxième journée de ma nouvelle vie remplie de belles choses pour moi et, éventuallement, un moi plus gentil avec les autres. Les effets positifs ont déjà commencé a ce faire sentir après deux jours. La journée d'hier a été un peu plus lente et pas très productive au travail. mais c'était au moins mieux que vendredi. J'ai quitté la job a 5 heures, donc j'ai eu le temps de me faire un vrai souper, d'acheter de la bouffe, d'appeler moman et de me coucher de bonne heure. J'aimerais ajouter que j'ai acheté un légume, ce qui est une première pour moi. La prochaine étape est de manger le dit légume, mais j'ai aussi un plan pour cela. Ah, aussi, pour pouvoir me coucher de bonne heure, j'ai lu un résumé de l'épisode que j'ai du manquer pour me coucher tot, donc j'ai fais un compromis. Je suis fier de ca, aussi.
Maintenant, parlons de aujourd'hui. Aujourd'hui a été super cool. Encore un matin un peu slow, mais ca a seulement duré 3 heures. Après ca, par contre... wow! J'ai mis la pédale au plancher sur la productivité, comme jamais auparavant. Vous voyez, mon boss est pas là de la semaine, alors il m'à donné une tache qui devait prendre toute la semaine, mais tout fini cet après-midi. J'ai problablment du rouler un Success Incroyable a quelque moment dans la journée (essayez pas de comprendre, c'est une référence de WoD). Pour couronner le tout, mon costume d'Halloween est prêt et dans la malle au moment d'écrire ces lignes! Yay! je devrait le recevoir avant la fin de la semaine et avoir assez de temps pour le completer avec du maquillage et être prêt pour vendredi prochain. Ça va être cool, même si les autres décident qu'ils aiment pas. J'ai fini de vivre seulement pour faire plaisir aux autres. Je voulais CE costume et JE vais avoir le costume. Oh, pour finir, j'ai envoyé un email au boss pour expliquer mon succès et demander plus de job.
Oh, es-ce que j'ai dit que aujourd'hui était cool? Go DPL! Go! Ciao!
Monday, October 19, 2009
The return / Le retour
Hello everyone!
You probably wonder why the title is both in English and French, huh? Well, by blog is taking a new format. From now on, every post will be offered in both languages, so both the people I know online and my family can enjoy it.
This said, my weekend away wasn't so bad. I got some things done, although maybe not as much as I would have wanted to, but still enough. I got some good sleep and I had 3 meals and a shower every day. It felt nice. I brought new gauntlets and a broom, so I coilad really clean my room completely.
That's pretty much all I had to say. Ciao!
Salut tout le monde!
A partir de maintenant, mon blog va etre en anglais et en francais pour que ma famille et les personnes qui me connaissent puisse suivre mon blog. Notez que la version Francaise ne sera pas toujours disponible immediatement, parce que mon tel a pas d'accents et n'aime pas le francais, donc taper c'est chiant. La version francaise sera toujours disponible le soir meme, promis.
Ceci dit, ma fin de semaine loin de l'ordi n'a pas ete si pire. J'ai reussi a faire la plupart des choses que je voulais faire. J'ai pas tout fait, mais assez pour me sentir bien. J'ai mange 3 repas par jour et j'ai pris une douche, alors c'est une certaine amelioration. J'ai aussi achete des gants pour l'exterieur et un balai, ce qui m'a permis de faire le menage de fond en combre.
C'est pas mal tout ce que je voulais dire, alors ciao!
You probably wonder why the title is both in English and French, huh? Well, by blog is taking a new format. From now on, every post will be offered in both languages, so both the people I know online and my family can enjoy it.
This said, my weekend away wasn't so bad. I got some things done, although maybe not as much as I would have wanted to, but still enough. I got some good sleep and I had 3 meals and a shower every day. It felt nice. I brought new gauntlets and a broom, so I coilad really clean my room completely.
That's pretty much all I had to say. Ciao!
Salut tout le monde!
A partir de maintenant, mon blog va etre en anglais et en francais pour que ma famille et les personnes qui me connaissent puisse suivre mon blog. Notez que la version Francaise ne sera pas toujours disponible immediatement, parce que mon tel a pas d'accents et n'aime pas le francais, donc taper c'est chiant. La version francaise sera toujours disponible le soir meme, promis.
Ceci dit, ma fin de semaine loin de l'ordi n'a pas ete si pire. J'ai reussi a faire la plupart des choses que je voulais faire. J'ai pas tout fait, mais assez pour me sentir bien. J'ai mange 3 repas par jour et j'ai pris une douche, alors c'est une certaine amelioration. J'ai aussi achete des gants pour l'exterieur et un balai, ce qui m'a permis de faire le menage de fond en combre.
C'est pas mal tout ce que je voulais dire, alors ciao!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Vacation and freedom
Hello everyone
I will be rather short today. As you might have understood in the last few messages or the lack of messages, I have been deeling rather down lately, more than the usual depressed. So... I`ve had enough. Even though this is a regular weekend, I'm taking a vacation of some kind. The kind that will certainly bother some people, but if they can't that I need it, I'm telling them to go screw themselves! So... Once I'm home, once I've download work stuff into my computer, I'm going to turn off everything. Phone, computer wireless and TV until Sunday or Monday morning. Or... Actually I will turn off communications with the outside world, since I still need Google and my email account for ordering that Halloween costume. But you get my point. I'm not really going to be reachable and I won't reply to emails, so don't bother.
On a closing note, want to thanks FD for the idea... As always.
Adios. Bye, Au revoir, Ciao...
I will be rather short today. As you might have understood in the last few messages or the lack of messages, I have been deeling rather down lately, more than the usual depressed. So... I`ve had enough. Even though this is a regular weekend, I'm taking a vacation of some kind. The kind that will certainly bother some people, but if they can't that I need it, I'm telling them to go screw themselves! So... Once I'm home, once I've download work stuff into my computer, I'm going to turn off everything. Phone, computer wireless and TV until Sunday or Monday morning. Or... Actually I will turn off communications with the outside world, since I still need Google and my email account for ordering that Halloween costume. But you get my point. I'm not really going to be reachable and I won't reply to emails, so don't bother.
On a closing note, want to thanks FD for the idea... As always.
Adios. Bye, Au revoir, Ciao...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Invalid card (aka: How to lose thousands of dollar in 5 minutes)
Hello everyone
I'm officially poor. Yup. I've always bragged about having lot of money and now... well... I have not a lot of it. My debit card decided to go BOOM and break. I dunno how a plastic card can break, but it's something about a magnetic band and magnet or something. I blame my Blackberry.
Yeah. So I'm out of money for a while until I get a new card. Being poor is gonna be new. Yeah. Bye.
I'm officially poor. Yup. I've always bragged about having lot of money and now... well... I have not a lot of it. My debit card decided to go BOOM and break. I dunno how a plastic card can break, but it's something about a magnetic band and magnet or something. I blame my Blackberry.
Yeah. So I'm out of money for a while until I get a new card. Being poor is gonna be new. Yeah. Bye.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Gamma: Light in the dark?
Hello non-existant commenters
Again, I met alpha today snaf I learned that wanting to get better is not enough. I also have to show it. I have to be able to things and people when I need to, instead of letting myself be hurt and then hurting others in the long run. That's why I will keep this entry short tonight. I think I see things better now. Alpha shown me the path in the dark and now he gave me the light. Tonight, I will start doing so. I don't have time for long posting, but there is something i have on my heart and that saddens me quite a bit. I know that at least three persons read this blog on a regular basis and none comment, other than to complain... So... Sorry if I'm being harsh, but I think that if you take the time to read the blog, three gotta be something to say about it more than once every 5 posts. Don't be shy, you can even comment anonymously if you want! It also works with your gmail account! So... That's what I had on my heart for some time now.
On this, Ciao eveyone! *knock out Gamma to turn off the light*
Again, I met alpha today snaf I learned that wanting to get better is not enough. I also have to show it. I have to be able to things and people when I need to, instead of letting myself be hurt and then hurting others in the long run. That's why I will keep this entry short tonight. I think I see things better now. Alpha shown me the path in the dark and now he gave me the light. Tonight, I will start doing so. I don't have time for long posting, but there is something i have on my heart and that saddens me quite a bit. I know that at least three persons read this blog on a regular basis and none comment, other than to complain... So... Sorry if I'm being harsh, but I think that if you take the time to read the blog, three gotta be something to say about it more than once every 5 posts. Don't be shy, you can even comment anonymously if you want! It also works with your gmail account! So... That's what I had on my heart for some time now.
On this, Ciao eveyone! *knock out Gamma to turn off the light*
Bus-y evening
Hello everyone.
Before I start talking about this morning's topic, I would like to apologize in case anybody felt worried or wondered why I didn't post at all evening. So, no, I didn't get run over by a bus, but it's not that far. There happened to be this girl called Jennifer who talked to me at work and who later were in the same bus as me, so I sat down near her and had a conversation. Seeing as I never get to talk to any girl and that this one is especially cute, my blog kinda fell second. Then later, I went to sleep as soon I arrived home, because I was very tired.
So... Now this a being us, it's time to get to today's ranting. I know I more or less "promised" that I would rant about bus, but I've changed my mind for some mysterious reason. Instead, I will complain about... err... hmm... well... *look around* Time! Yeah. Time is always too short at some moments of the day and too long at other moments (I'm looking at you, work). Doesn't that suck?
Sparktail: Not that I want to discredit your finding, Captain Obvious, but everyone knows that. You could at least have tried to find something original. Time, pft. Older than writting. know what is really annoying? It's litlle arrogant knows-it-all like you who spend their time making everyone around them feel like crap! Bad mousy! *hit Sparktail with a folded newspaper*
Sparktail: Hey! Stop that! *moves away* No love for rodents trying to educate people. *walks away*
What an annoying rat. Well, it seems like I found something to complain about after all. U should be back tonight, after my third meeting with Alpha. Ciao!
Before I start talking about this morning's topic, I would like to apologize in case anybody felt worried or wondered why I didn't post at all evening. So, no, I didn't get run over by a bus, but it's not that far. There happened to be this girl called Jennifer who talked to me at work and who later were in the same bus as me, so I sat down near her and had a conversation. Seeing as I never get to talk to any girl and that this one is especially cute, my blog kinda fell second. Then later, I went to sleep as soon I arrived home, because I was very tired.
So... Now this a being us, it's time to get to today's ranting. I know I more or less "promised" that I would rant about bus, but I've changed my mind for some mysterious reason. Instead, I will complain about... err... hmm... well... *look around* Time! Yeah. Time is always too short at some moments of the day and too long at other moments (I'm looking at you, work). Doesn't that suck?
Sparktail: Not that I want to discredit your finding, Captain Obvious, but everyone knows that. You could at least have tried to find something original. Time, pft. Older than writting. know what is really annoying? It's litlle arrogant knows-it-all like you who spend their time making everyone around them feel like crap! Bad mousy! *hit Sparktail with a folded newspaper*
Sparktail: Hey! Stop that! *moves away* No love for rodents trying to educate people. *walks away*
What an annoying rat. Well, it seems like I found something to complain about after all. U should be back tonight, after my third meeting with Alpha. Ciao!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Short week, short temper
Hello everyone...
I will keep my morning rant short this morning, because I really don't feel like it.
So, you know what sucks, other than me? Feeling sick do (althought, now that I think about it, it is kinda related to me sucking). As if I needed to feel sick. Feeling wasn't enough, huh? I'm looking at you, God! Seriously, that sucks. Being late at work sucks. Waiting for screwy bus sucks. I will probably rant about that tomorrow. For now, I will dig myself a hole and hide in it until I feel better. I'm sure one of my dozens of recycled characters (read fucking imaginary friends) can dig it for me. If not, they suck too.
I will keep my morning rant short this morning, because I really don't feel like it.
So, you know what sucks, other than me? Feeling sick do (althought, now that I think about it, it is kinda related to me sucking). As if I needed to feel sick. Feeling wasn't enough, huh? I'm looking at you, God! Seriously, that sucks. Being late at work sucks. Waiting for screwy bus sucks. I will probably rant about that tomorrow. For now, I will dig myself a hole and hide in it until I feel better. I'm sure one of my dozens of recycled characters (read fucking imaginary friends) can dig it for me. If not, they suck too.
Feelin' down again...
I guess it was bound to happen...
...the whole weekend has been a waste of time... I didn't do half of what I wanted to do and I didn't even rest properly. It's late and I'm still up, listening to sad music and moping in my corner. My room is a living junk and I've not found the will to clean it yet. I had three whole days to do and what did I do? NOTHING!
DAMNIT! WHY DO I HAVE TO SUCK SO MUCH!!! ARGH!!! I WILL NEVER BE GOOD AT ANYTHING!! I'm a FREAKING loser! My manager is cool, he did a lot of cool things and he's great at his job. Yeah... I'm doing progresses, he says. Sure. That's all bullshit! He just wants me to feel good. I'm a loser and everyone know it! I can't keep my friends and I can't even keep my body and room clean! Do you know the last time I took a shower? 9 days ago! 9 days! And the dishes? 2 weeks! You would think that would make me want to do anything anything about it, but nooooo! I don't. It just doesn't want to work in my head. I'm a freaking loser. Damn it. Damnit. Fucking life!
Arghhhh!!! Meh... I'm not even gonna bother with the ciao...
...the whole weekend has been a waste of time... I didn't do half of what I wanted to do and I didn't even rest properly. It's late and I'm still up, listening to sad music and moping in my corner. My room is a living junk and I've not found the will to clean it yet. I had three whole days to do and what did I do? NOTHING!
DAMNIT! WHY DO I HAVE TO SUCK SO MUCH!!! ARGH!!! I WILL NEVER BE GOOD AT ANYTHING!! I'm a FREAKING loser! My manager is cool, he did a lot of cool things and he's great at his job. Yeah... I'm doing progresses, he says. Sure. That's all bullshit! He just wants me to feel good. I'm a loser and everyone know it! I can't keep my friends and I can't even keep my body and room clean! Do you know the last time I took a shower? 9 days ago! 9 days! And the dishes? 2 weeks! You would think that would make me want to do anything anything about it, but nooooo! I don't. It just doesn't want to work in my head. I'm a freaking loser. Damn it. Damnit. Fucking life!
Arghhhh!!! Meh... I'm not even gonna bother with the ciao...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I dunno if we are really supposed to give thanks on Thanksgiving, but I feel it is appropriate. The list will probably be large and most of those people will never see it, but heh... it's my blog. I do whatever I want on it. In fact, I think I will write things related to my family in French in give them the link, just because I can.
Rougia: Thanks for having been there for me in the last month of so and having listening to some of my whining. I love the RPs we have together when we have time to and generally you're very nice. Yay!
Kirby Oak: Thanks for having been my best friend for 9-10 out of the 12 months since last Thanksgiving. Thanks for the countless hours of RPing. This said, I still haven't forgiven you for your act of betrayal. After all, leaving only because I'm a bit emotional is kinda like ignoring the fact I still wanted to do stuff with you, despite having to put up with your extreme laziness, extreme pickyness, general apatethicness toward a lot of things and a total lack of ability to compromise. Then again, your faults is probably part of why you left, since someone stronger would have not betrayed me like this. Yeah... I'm still sour about that, especially when you call yourself the victim and think of yourself of having been the perfect friend. Well, I will tell you one thing: Rougia might be a lot less available than you were, but she's a much better friend overall. 'nuff said... oh wait, I kinda went away from the topic. Err... thanks for all the fun and all... I miss the RPing... although that's the only thing I miss, so... *shrug and pet Paige, then hide*
FD: Thanks for your great RP ideas and your openness, despite the way I act. You are probably the nicest person I have ever met, even though we don't really have a lot of common liking.
KA: Thanks for listening to my talking from work and my randomness. I'm sure you could be doing much funner things than listening to my childishness.
Sil: Thanks for being nice with me and being some fun to talk to.
Mr. Small: Thanks for being such a cool manager. Heh.
Moman: Merci d'être toujours là quand j'ai besoin d'aide, d'être toujours à l'écoute. Tu est la meilleure mère au monde.
Mylène: Merci d'ètre une soeur cool. Bon, c'est sur que tu passe ton temps a essayer de faire tes jokes et insultes sur moi, mais je sais bien que tu m'aime bien dans le fond. Tu est aussi la seule dans la famille a savoir certain trucs sur moi, donc ça montre a quel point j'ai confience en toi. Continue comme ça, Milou.
Marjorie: Merci de montrer ton amour pour moi. Des fois, tu le montre a peu trop, mais c'est correct, je te pardonne.
Billy et Joey: Bien... vous êtes... hmm... ok.
Lévis: Merci d'être un beau père correct. Tu peu être â l'écoute, des fois. C'est cool. Essait de slacker un peu sur l'alchool. Ça serait encore plus cool.
Princesse: Tu est le meilleur chien de tout les temps. Bon, j'avou que tu a un eu ralentit et que tu ne peut pas comprendre ce que j'écrit, mais c'est pas grave. Je vais quand même te lancer ton jouet la prochaine fois que je viens à la maison.
Grand-moman: Merci d'être la grand moman la plus à l'écoute que je connaisse. Tu est un vrai ange. J'espère que tu va vivre encore 30 ans.
Autre membres de la famille: Merci d'être là.
I think that's all. If I forgot anyone else, thanks anyway. Ciao!
I dunno if we are really supposed to give thanks on Thanksgiving, but I feel it is appropriate. The list will probably be large and most of those people will never see it, but heh... it's my blog. I do whatever I want on it. In fact, I think I will write things related to my family in French in give them the link, just because I can.
Rougia: Thanks for having been there for me in the last month of so and having listening to some of my whining. I love the RPs we have together when we have time to and generally you're very nice. Yay!
Kirby Oak: Thanks for having been my best friend for 9-10 out of the 12 months since last Thanksgiving. Thanks for the countless hours of RPing. This said, I still haven't forgiven you for your act of betrayal. After all, leaving only because I'm a bit emotional is kinda like ignoring the fact I still wanted to do stuff with you, despite having to put up with your extreme laziness, extreme pickyness, general apatethicness toward a lot of things and a total lack of ability to compromise. Then again, your faults is probably part of why you left, since someone stronger would have not betrayed me like this. Yeah... I'm still sour about that, especially when you call yourself the victim and think of yourself of having been the perfect friend. Well, I will tell you one thing: Rougia might be a lot less available than you were, but she's a much better friend overall. 'nuff said... oh wait, I kinda went away from the topic. Err... thanks for all the fun and all... I miss the RPing... although that's the only thing I miss, so... *shrug and pet Paige, then hide*
FD: Thanks for your great RP ideas and your openness, despite the way I act. You are probably the nicest person I have ever met, even though we don't really have a lot of common liking.
KA: Thanks for listening to my talking from work and my randomness. I'm sure you could be doing much funner things than listening to my childishness.
Sil: Thanks for being nice with me and being some fun to talk to.
Mr. Small: Thanks for being such a cool manager. Heh.
Moman: Merci d'être toujours là quand j'ai besoin d'aide, d'être toujours à l'écoute. Tu est la meilleure mère au monde.
Mylène: Merci d'ètre une soeur cool. Bon, c'est sur que tu passe ton temps a essayer de faire tes jokes et insultes sur moi, mais je sais bien que tu m'aime bien dans le fond. Tu est aussi la seule dans la famille a savoir certain trucs sur moi, donc ça montre a quel point j'ai confience en toi. Continue comme ça, Milou.
Marjorie: Merci de montrer ton amour pour moi. Des fois, tu le montre a peu trop, mais c'est correct, je te pardonne.
Billy et Joey: Bien... vous êtes... hmm... ok.
Lévis: Merci d'être un beau père correct. Tu peu être â l'écoute, des fois. C'est cool. Essait de slacker un peu sur l'alchool. Ça serait encore plus cool.
Princesse: Tu est le meilleur chien de tout les temps. Bon, j'avou que tu a un eu ralentit et que tu ne peut pas comprendre ce que j'écrit, mais c'est pas grave. Je vais quand même te lancer ton jouet la prochaine fois que je viens à la maison.
Grand-moman: Merci d'être la grand moman la plus à l'écoute que je connaisse. Tu est un vrai ange. J'espère que tu va vivre encore 30 ans.
Autre membres de la famille: Merci d'être là.
I think that's all. If I forgot anyone else, thanks anyway. Ciao!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Hello everyone.
Today has been a total waste of time. I did exactly nothing productive. Well, except ideating for a new RP. And posting a few times on an active RP. But those weren't really what I wanted to do. Not that they weren't fun. But anyway... yeah... I feel bad. I'm hungry too, but I'm feeling too down to eat. Meh. I dunno why I feel like this. I should have called my mom today too. I suck. Ciao.
Today has been a total waste of time. I did exactly nothing productive. Well, except ideating for a new RP. And posting a few times on an active RP. But those weren't really what I wanted to do. Not that they weren't fun. But anyway... yeah... I feel bad. I'm hungry too, but I'm feeling too down to eat. Meh. I dunno why I feel like this. I should have called my mom today too. I suck. Ciao.
Managing time
Today was a productive day. I've wrote posts, two entries for my Magic story, got my clothes cleaned and sent my work clothes to the dry cleaner. As I said this morning, I also went to dinner with my manager. I've learned a lot of things about him and that was cool. The big thing is that he's not even 30 years old, which is kinda weird. His wife is not canadian and he's a tech geek. So, I think it was kinda cool. The chicken was good, Wii Sport Resort was fun to play and it was all around nice to talk about lotsa things. The not fun part was when nobody talked, because I quickly realized that the three of us were shy people, so those moments ended up like silent, then awkward laugh, the more silence. It was weird. I also didn't appreciate that bad joke about French-Canadians. *grumble* Yes, we celebrate Christmas! What kind of question is that? Seriously! Meh. That was the stupidest question I have ever been asked. Anyway... if I ignore that, it was pretty much good. Overall, it felt like I always thought it would feel lf I had visited Kirby's home. Lotsa fun, some awkwards moments and a tad bit of uncomfortableness. And I didn't even have to go to another country to experience that, just another province. Yup. Now I'm sleepy. Ciao!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Dreams: Reality or fiction?
Hello everyone.
Really strange things happened in the last 12 hours or so. I think the most unexpected happened when I got that e-mail from my manager. As I told you yesterday, this weekend is a long weekend of Thanksgiving. You know how I named my last entry "Long weekend", right? Well, the title of the email was exactly the same. At first, I thought he just wanted to remind me that there is no work Monday, because he never actually did tell me. So, you can imagine my surprise when I read that email and it said that Mr. Small was inviting me to his Thanksgiving dinner tonight with his wive. Since I'm pretty much the only intern working under him, I'm pretty much going to be only young person invited. So, it certainly did feel like a dream to me. I've never have been liked much by any other boss before, for obvious reasons (I suck(ed?) at work), so this is definitely an opportunity I won't want to miss. I kinda thing it's just trying to get to his good side even more, but heck, I think it's cool and nobody is gonna stop me. Except maybe if I wasn't to receive any other email from him. We still have to confirm the rendezvous point where he's going to pick me up.
As for the other part, I had a really weird dream last night. Its weirdness doesn't come from what it was, but who was in it. As some of you know, I've not talked to Kirby Oak for some time now, because I don't want to hurt him with my behavior. So, the last thing I would expect was a dream with him in it, but yet it happened. I'm not quite sure if it was real life or an RP or maybe both, because it's kind of blurry after 30 minutes of being awake, but there was some kind of vacation camp or some beachy or... damn, it's so cloudy now. Anyway I think I received an invitation to go there or something. The thing is, it was some kind of place where normal people ate and played with tiny people and ate and did not nice thing to them. Now, that's pretty common in the kinda RP I usually do, except that Kirby was being very pushy about the vore and liking it a lot, which is like, completely not him at all. He liked the fact there was shrunken people around, but he was very focused on being dominant. I think I was happy in the dream, because I was liking things I like again. Then we were about to really start to play and I woke up.
So it was kinda weird, yeah. I have no idea why I randomly had a dream about someone I didn't speak to in like 2 weeks, but I appreciate it. The RP idea I got, I mean. Hehe. A vacation around micros. That gotta be fun. I'm gonna ask Rou if she wants to play something like that. Yay! That was all I wanted to say, so Ciao everyone!
UPDATE 9:38: Speaking of email, I just received that email I was waiting for. I'm gonna meet him at 5:30PM. So, I guess I will post on the blog after dinner.
Really strange things happened in the last 12 hours or so. I think the most unexpected happened when I got that e-mail from my manager. As I told you yesterday, this weekend is a long weekend of Thanksgiving. You know how I named my last entry "Long weekend", right? Well, the title of the email was exactly the same. At first, I thought he just wanted to remind me that there is no work Monday, because he never actually did tell me. So, you can imagine my surprise when I read that email and it said that Mr. Small was inviting me to his Thanksgiving dinner tonight with his wive. Since I'm pretty much the only intern working under him, I'm pretty much going to be only young person invited. So, it certainly did feel like a dream to me. I've never have been liked much by any other boss before, for obvious reasons (I suck(ed?) at work), so this is definitely an opportunity I won't want to miss. I kinda thing it's just trying to get to his good side even more, but heck, I think it's cool and nobody is gonna stop me. Except maybe if I wasn't to receive any other email from him. We still have to confirm the rendezvous point where he's going to pick me up.
As for the other part, I had a really weird dream last night. Its weirdness doesn't come from what it was, but who was in it. As some of you know, I've not talked to Kirby Oak for some time now, because I don't want to hurt him with my behavior. So, the last thing I would expect was a dream with him in it, but yet it happened. I'm not quite sure if it was real life or an RP or maybe both, because it's kind of blurry after 30 minutes of being awake, but there was some kind of vacation camp or some beachy or... damn, it's so cloudy now. Anyway I think I received an invitation to go there or something. The thing is, it was some kind of place where normal people ate and played with tiny people and ate and did not nice thing to them. Now, that's pretty common in the kinda RP I usually do, except that Kirby was being very pushy about the vore and liking it a lot, which is like, completely not him at all. He liked the fact there was shrunken people around, but he was very focused on being dominant. I think I was happy in the dream, because I was liking things I like again. Then we were about to really start to play and I woke up.
So it was kinda weird, yeah. I have no idea why I randomly had a dream about someone I didn't speak to in like 2 weeks, but I appreciate it. The RP idea I got, I mean. Hehe. A vacation around micros. That gotta be fun. I'm gonna ask Rou if she wants to play something like that. Yay! That was all I wanted to say, so Ciao everyone!
UPDATE 9:38: Speaking of email, I just received that email I was waiting for. I'm gonna meet him at 5:30PM. So, I guess I will post on the blog after dinner.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Long weekend!
Foot note: I think my phone is cursed.
Good news, everyone! Tonight is the start of a long Thanksgiving weekend. I will wait until Monday to give my thanks, though. For now, it's time to think about all the cool things I will have time to do during the long weekend! I will get to buy food, clean my clothes, but things, go to appointments, buy a new laptop, buy more things, RP, more RP playing games, dance, happiness, fun, greatness, calling people, chatting with friends, posting on my blog, writing stuff, sleeping, eating, drinking and going to the bathroom!
Magic: Don't forget hockey! Shot, shot, shot, GOOAAAL!!!
Oh, yeah, and hockey! Long weekend were usually a good occasion to do fun things, like teasing Sarah (read vore and sex) or teasing Kira (read jar and pensil), but those are out of my reach for the time being (read a hell lot of time). Dear not, long weekend, because I have devised a henipus master plan to avoid boredom. Tonight, when people will expect it less, Kagai will jump in the vorum with Miya and Magic on her back, will shrink everything in sight and play with all their new toys!
Magic and Kagai: Yay!
Miya: I won't do that. It's mean toward all those innocent people. I do not do evil.
But... Who will hold the gun?
Miya: It's not my problem. *crosses her paws*
*groan* Oh, Kagai! Miya wanted me to tell you that her psychic energy is an open buffet! Feel free to take as much you want!
Kagai: Really? Yay! It's so tasty! *starts sucking Miya's energy with her dark powers*
Miya: *mews in pain and holds her head* Ow! Ok! Ok! Oww! Make her stop and I... Will do it!
Good, I knew you would see the light. *give Kagai a chew toy and send her away* Then, I think I'm ready for the biggest fun of the weekend! Ciao, everyone!
Disclaimer: No mew were hurt in the making of this post.
Good news, everyone! Tonight is the start of a long Thanksgiving weekend. I will wait until Monday to give my thanks, though. For now, it's time to think about all the cool things I will have time to do during the long weekend! I will get to buy food, clean my clothes, but things, go to appointments, buy a new laptop, buy more things, RP, more RP playing games, dance, happiness, fun, greatness, calling people, chatting with friends, posting on my blog, writing stuff, sleeping, eating, drinking and going to the bathroom!
Magic: Don't forget hockey! Shot, shot, shot, GOOAAAL!!!
Oh, yeah, and hockey! Long weekend were usually a good occasion to do fun things, like teasing Sarah (read vore and sex) or teasing Kira (read jar and pensil), but those are out of my reach for the time being (read a hell lot of time). Dear not, long weekend, because I have devised a henipus master plan to avoid boredom. Tonight, when people will expect it less, Kagai will jump in the vorum with Miya and Magic on her back, will shrink everything in sight and play with all their new toys!
Magic and Kagai: Yay!
Miya: I won't do that. It's mean toward all those innocent people. I do not do evil.
But... Who will hold the gun?
Miya: It's not my problem. *crosses her paws*
*groan* Oh, Kagai! Miya wanted me to tell you that her psychic energy is an open buffet! Feel free to take as much you want!
Kagai: Really? Yay! It's so tasty! *starts sucking Miya's energy with her dark powers*
Miya: *mews in pain and holds her head* Ow! Ok! Ok! Oww! Make her stop and I... Will do it!
Good, I knew you would see the light. *give Kagai a chew toy and send her away* Then, I think I'm ready for the biggest fun of the weekend! Ciao, everyone!
Disclaimer: No mew were hurt in the making of this post.
Friday eagerness
Friday are special days. It's the last day of the week and as such, it's a day pointing toward feedom. All the same, it is also the worse day to go through, after 4 long days of work. This morning was kind of like that. I woke up late, didn't wanna go to work and forced myself through it. I should arrive at work soon and will try to finish that task, so I can feel better about coming late. On good news, Monday is Canada's Thanksgiving, so three days weekend! Yes! Now that's something to look for. It shall be fun, I hope. Oh well, work time. Ciao.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The empty post
I was supposed to say a lot of funny things (according to me), but now I`ve lost the desire to. I'm just going to plainly say stuff instead. I've started working on a new feature today and I might bring it to completion tomorrow. That would awesome. That's pretty much I wanted to say, minus the stupidness. Ciao everyone.
Short posting and hockey: epic fail
I'm gonna keep it short this morning, since I don't have much time. Busy man is busy and short on time. First of all, I got fed up yesterday by the short posts, so I countered by posting my shortest post ever, ever. It had a grand total of 2 words. That should teach him about doing real short posts.
In another news, the Habs train got totalled last night, suffering nothing less than a crushing defeat 1-7 at the hand of the mighty Canucks. It was most certainly the worst game ever, the grandest of lost, the most humiliating beating that this world has ever seen.
Magic: Hyperboles, yay!
Yay! And now, its time to go. Ciao.
In another news, the Habs train got totalled last night, suffering nothing less than a crushing defeat 1-7 at the hand of the mighty Canucks. It was most certainly the worst game ever, the grandest of lost, the most humiliating beating that this world has ever seen.
Magic: Hyperboles, yay!
Yay! And now, its time to go. Ciao.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Avi, Asf, Apple
Hello everyone,
Today, I completed my work with leaning and working with the AVI and ASF audio/video codecs. So, to celebrate this milestone, I will start thinking about how to accomplish my next task... joking. I will do that tomorrow morning in the bus or later tonight, if I find the time to. I think I deserve a break from annoying thing, don't you agree Sparktail?
Sparktail: *tied up, gagged and trapped in a cage* Mmmmffttt!!!
I thought so. Since Sparktail is usually a mood ruiner, I decided to put him in there for a time put. I think Alpha said something about that, so I should listen. I think. I'm not 100% sure, but then again, Alpha is a very wise and mysterious old man. He gas that airs around him. Like in pokemon, minus the blue. I suspect he might be a mage. Hehe.
So, yeah, I'm in a good mood. A tad tired, but that's because I watched a late hockey game last night and I sure don't regret it. We narrowly lost, but it was an awesome game. Magic couldn't stand still at the edge of her seat, so much it was exciting. The 3rd period was the best.
Magic: Yup! They shot, ran, shot, shot, shot, ran, shot, shot, shot...
...and too bad all that extreme action didn't lead to a goal, explaining why we lost 3-4. It was still awesome, though. *silence* Well, I'm already put of things to say. Hmm... Well, there was a video meeting at lunch time and I ate pizza. I also freed the rest of the Greek eevee from their Canon jail lab and have them a new home. I only took the 24 first ones. Kirby Oak can keep the last 4 ones. They are his original creations afterall.
On that, ciao everyone! *pet Omega*
Today, I completed my work with leaning and working with the AVI and ASF audio/video codecs. So, to celebrate this milestone, I will start thinking about how to accomplish my next task... joking. I will do that tomorrow morning in the bus or later tonight, if I find the time to. I think I deserve a break from annoying thing, don't you agree Sparktail?
Sparktail: *tied up, gagged and trapped in a cage* Mmmmffttt!!!
I thought so. Since Sparktail is usually a mood ruiner, I decided to put him in there for a time put. I think Alpha said something about that, so I should listen. I think. I'm not 100% sure, but then again, Alpha is a very wise and mysterious old man. He gas that airs around him. Like in pokemon, minus the blue. I suspect he might be a mage. Hehe.
So, yeah, I'm in a good mood. A tad tired, but that's because I watched a late hockey game last night and I sure don't regret it. We narrowly lost, but it was an awesome game. Magic couldn't stand still at the edge of her seat, so much it was exciting. The 3rd period was the best.
Magic: Yup! They shot, ran, shot, shot, shot, ran, shot, shot, shot...
...and too bad all that extreme action didn't lead to a goal, explaining why we lost 3-4. It was still awesome, though. *silence* Well, I'm already put of things to say. Hmm... Well, there was a video meeting at lunch time and I ate pizza. I also freed the rest of the Greek eevee from their Canon jail lab and have them a new home. I only took the 24 first ones. Kirby Oak can keep the last 4 ones. They are his original creations afterall.
On that, ciao everyone! *pet Omega*
One liners suck.
Yes, they do.
One liners show a lack of care and energy to an RP?
I think one liners should not exist.
...that was annoying, huh? I think so too. When someone posts only to say the obvious, I think we can all agree that they could as well have skipped their turn. Is it really so hard to give something for the other player to work with? Look, I know you are pleased, but can you say something else less obvious? Maybe tell me about the look on your face, your body movement, the way you spoke those words, anything! If I have to RP with an emotion-less wall, I will go write a story, instead. I should have to guess everything the other is doing. Seriously. I'm pissed off. There's another post in, right now. I bet you 10 imagino-bucks that it sucks. Ciao!
One liners show a lack of care and energy to an RP?
I think one liners should not exist.
...that was annoying, huh? I think so too. When someone posts only to say the obvious, I think we can all agree that they could as well have skipped their turn. Is it really so hard to give something for the other player to work with? Look, I know you are pleased, but can you say something else less obvious? Maybe tell me about the look on your face, your body movement, the way you spoke those words, anything! If I have to RP with an emotion-less wall, I will go write a story, instead. I should have to guess everything the other is doing. Seriously. I'm pissed off. There's another post in, right now. I bet you 10 imagino-bucks that it sucks. Ciao!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Beta, eevee "god" of sleep
*Hug Beta and yawn. Beta is sleeping* Hello, everyone.
Today was my second meeting with Alpha and I had trouble sleeping two days ago, so I figured keeping Beta close to me from now on would be a good idea. Except at work, since that would mean I would fall asleep on the job. Anyway, the meeting with Alpha today was good and bad. Bad because he dug deeper than last time (I thought that wasn't possible, but he did) and I had to stop the meeting so I could recover from the digging. Either way, I am more enlightened than before, even if I was too shaken to tell Alpha. Strange to say, but that guy may be the one to succeed sour me in a proper person after everyone failed in 23 years. Although, he is only the trigger. I have to do most of the work myself and all that. That's what I'm learning. Nothing is coming to me on its own and taking stuff from others to get stuff is not nice and is not the way to proper mental growth. Or something. It made sense when he was saying it. It doesn't matter if I can't explain it again, because I know what I have to do.
Yeah... so... that's what I wanted to say... I... *yawn and lay my head on Beta* ...sleepy... Ciao Beta, Ciao readers and friends...
Today was my second meeting with Alpha and I had trouble sleeping two days ago, so I figured keeping Beta close to me from now on would be a good idea. Except at work, since that would mean I would fall asleep on the job. Anyway, the meeting with Alpha today was good and bad. Bad because he dug deeper than last time (I thought that wasn't possible, but he did) and I had to stop the meeting so I could recover from the digging. Either way, I am more enlightened than before, even if I was too shaken to tell Alpha. Strange to say, but that guy may be the one to succeed sour me in a proper person after everyone failed in 23 years. Although, he is only the trigger. I have to do most of the work myself and all that. That's what I'm learning. Nothing is coming to me on its own and taking stuff from others to get stuff is not nice and is not the way to proper mental growth. Or something. It made sense when he was saying it. It doesn't matter if I can't explain it again, because I know what I have to do.
Yeah... so... that's what I wanted to say... I... *yawn and lay my head on Beta* ...sleepy... Ciao Beta, Ciao readers and friends...
Games and cheating
So you think you wrote a nice little post that others will appreciate and that will ensure that the repliers have all the tools in hand to do the same and give everyone a nice RPing experience? Wrong!
From the shadows of hell will emerge a creature known as the game-modder. This savage beast is easily recognized in the wild by its uncanny ability to do everything perfectly. When confronted, the wild god-modder will defend itself using hallow arguments, faulty logic and will always be right, no matter the weight of the proof against it. If met, the appropriate action is to subdue with sweet talking and to avoid further contact. If impossible, then patience is a good weapon to have.
If you haven't guessed, my newest RP met with this creature of the fifth circle of hell. My character, a sweet, innocent anthro espeon named Kai was happily gathering berries for her tribe when the god-modder, enbodied by a male anthro birdy pokemon, came into the scene. Kai sensed the air currents and was able to tentatively throw her spear in his general direction to hopefully hit him and get away. Seeing that there was 10% chance that he might lose, the god-modder attacked with force to secure his top spot. In a short time lapse (read one post) he avoided the spear, dashed at poor innocent espeon, grabbed her neck, knocked her out, ate her berries, lifted her unconsious body and flew back to his village. To make it worse, he stole content from previous posts and did impossible stuff. God-modders have such a sweet life, huh?
Seriously though, the morale of this post is that god-modding sbd it's little brother powerplaying are bad. Don't god-mod kids, if you don't want to end up like our "friend" here. *point at person being hated by everyone else on a public chat* With that said, I will go for now. Ciao.
From the shadows of hell will emerge a creature known as the game-modder. This savage beast is easily recognized in the wild by its uncanny ability to do everything perfectly. When confronted, the wild god-modder will defend itself using hallow arguments, faulty logic and will always be right, no matter the weight of the proof against it. If met, the appropriate action is to subdue with sweet talking and to avoid further contact. If impossible, then patience is a good weapon to have.
If you haven't guessed, my newest RP met with this creature of the fifth circle of hell. My character, a sweet, innocent anthro espeon named Kai was happily gathering berries for her tribe when the god-modder, enbodied by a male anthro birdy pokemon, came into the scene. Kai sensed the air currents and was able to tentatively throw her spear in his general direction to hopefully hit him and get away. Seeing that there was 10% chance that he might lose, the god-modder attacked with force to secure his top spot. In a short time lapse (read one post) he avoided the spear, dashed at poor innocent espeon, grabbed her neck, knocked her out, ate her berries, lifted her unconsious body and flew back to his village. To make it worse, he stole content from previous posts and did impossible stuff. God-modders have such a sweet life, huh?
Seriously though, the morale of this post is that god-modding sbd it's little brother powerplaying are bad. Don't god-mod kids, if you don't want to end up like our "friend" here. *point at person being hated by everyone else on a public chat* With that said, I will go for now. Ciao.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Lack of sleep + Lack of food + Lack of lack of emotions = Somethin' not... fun
*is a half-asleep chibi-espeon submissived by evil umbreon* Hi..ya.
I had stuff to say, tonight, but I forget. It was probably something. Important. Buuuuut... it happens. The pikachu is biting an apple in the tree and the tree is green. Hehe... random thought. SOOOOOOOO.... yeah... I'm tired. Kinda. Like. Very, very... a lot. *sob-laugh mix randomly* Heh... sniff... It's a great day. I enarly... worked today. Nearly. With an N and an y. I wub apples! And meat.
I feel like I'm being away from the topic... whatever is was. Yay, I compelted another sentence. Oh... ueah! I remember. Today, I... epic failed. At work. Because I didn't work a lot, nearly slept and played games on phone... kinda. It was more like stuff. And RPing and a shiny ship, plane, word typing thingy game fun. And RPing.
I like RPing.
Yeah, and about cheese, I think it should taste better sometime. But not that sometime. Other time. Ok. I think I'm starting to write stuff that is not sane. maybe. Peharps. It could be. Who knows? Sparktail? Magic? Kagai? Kai? THE POPE?
I like RPing.
And cheese. And chocolate. And cute. And sex. And RPing cute sex in chocolate in a cheese pot with people eating in it. will try to remember idea. Ok. Now I thin i'm done. Ci-a-o. Ciao. CIAO. CIAO!!!!!!!!
PS: I like RPing.
PPS: Eevee...sized espeon me.
I had stuff to say, tonight, but I forget. It was probably something. Important. Buuuuut... it happens. The pikachu is biting an apple in the tree and the tree is green. Hehe... random thought. SOOOOOOOO.... yeah... I'm tired. Kinda. Like. Very, very... a lot. *sob-laugh mix randomly* Heh... sniff... It's a great day. I enarly... worked today. Nearly. With an N and an y. I wub apples! And meat.
I feel like I'm being away from the topic... whatever is was. Yay, I compelted another sentence. Oh... ueah! I remember. Today, I... epic failed. At work. Because I didn't work a lot, nearly slept and played games on phone... kinda. It was more like stuff. And RPing and a shiny ship, plane, word typing thingy game fun. And RPing.
I like RPing.
Yeah, and about cheese, I think it should taste better sometime. But not that sometime. Other time. Ok. I think I'm starting to write stuff that is not sane. maybe. Peharps. It could be. Who knows? Sparktail? Magic? Kagai? Kai? THE POPE?
I like RPing.
And cheese. And chocolate. And cute. And sex. And RPing cute sex in chocolate in a cheese pot with people eating in it. will try to remember idea. Ok. Now I thin i'm done. Ci-a-o. Ciao. CIAO. CIAO!!!!!!!!
PS: I like RPing.
PPS: Eevee...sized espeon me.
Chemistry and pain
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
Note: This is not a complain about the past and about a certain individual who will recognize himself, but about the future and stuff that can hurt.
I saw this little piece of text somewhere and it got me thinking. Not about it specifically, because I know that this statement is true. However, it is also true, in chemistry, than a transformation from putting two chemical together is often not revertible, so the day you wish to go back things were before, something doesn't quite work. Where there was H2 and O2 able to work independently, there is now OH- and H+ looking for something that's missing. So it got me thinking: is it really a good thing to seek to transform ourselves, if it's inevitably going to be destroyed and leave us in pain? In that light, I kind of pity my former best friend and his new best friend, because they fell in that trap and one day, one of them is going to be hurt greatly. Granted, this day might be very far off, maybe in 10 years, but it will happen, since nothing is forever. And that's sad. I conclude that to avoid such pain, people shouldn't do such things as heavily depending on others. Friendship is great and all that, but I'm kind of doubting it's worth the eventual pain of separation. Which probably makes me someone sour and stupid to the eyes of pretty much everyone in a couple on this planet, but I don't care.
This being said, I'm not immune to such change myself. I've already started to be transformed by spending time with Rougia. She's real nice, but I probably should start planning for the day she's not going to be there, because otherwise, I will probably be sad not to have someone to talk to or to do stupid playful RPs with. I dunno how I will do it, but I sure don't wish to fall in the trap of not having any escape door... again. That will probably make a nice discussion topic with Alpha tomorrow, so thanks to the two people who came up with that quote or at least took it somewhere to use it. I have a great duality to use here: The good brought by something and the potential pain from it, clashing. I do have trouble with that, since I fear the consequences of something, even if they are far off. I think being prepared is a good solution, but so is just not getting involved in the first place is. Yeah... in parting words, I hope nobody felt offended by this and that Rougia won't come to me wondering if I intend to stop talking to her to protect myself. The answer is no... for now. You never know how things can go. I'm crazy, anyway. Ciao.
Note: This is not a complain about the past and about a certain individual who will recognize himself, but about the future and stuff that can hurt.
I saw this little piece of text somewhere and it got me thinking. Not about it specifically, because I know that this statement is true. However, it is also true, in chemistry, than a transformation from putting two chemical together is often not revertible, so the day you wish to go back things were before, something doesn't quite work. Where there was H2 and O2 able to work independently, there is now OH- and H+ looking for something that's missing. So it got me thinking: is it really a good thing to seek to transform ourselves, if it's inevitably going to be destroyed and leave us in pain? In that light, I kind of pity my former best friend and his new best friend, because they fell in that trap and one day, one of them is going to be hurt greatly. Granted, this day might be very far off, maybe in 10 years, but it will happen, since nothing is forever. And that's sad. I conclude that to avoid such pain, people shouldn't do such things as heavily depending on others. Friendship is great and all that, but I'm kind of doubting it's worth the eventual pain of separation. Which probably makes me someone sour and stupid to the eyes of pretty much everyone in a couple on this planet, but I don't care.
This being said, I'm not immune to such change myself. I've already started to be transformed by spending time with Rougia. She's real nice, but I probably should start planning for the day she's not going to be there, because otherwise, I will probably be sad not to have someone to talk to or to do stupid playful RPs with. I dunno how I will do it, but I sure don't wish to fall in the trap of not having any escape door... again. That will probably make a nice discussion topic with Alpha tomorrow, so thanks to the two people who came up with that quote or at least took it somewhere to use it. I have a great duality to use here: The good brought by something and the potential pain from it, clashing. I do have trouble with that, since I fear the consequences of something, even if they are far off. I think being prepared is a good solution, but so is just not getting involved in the first place is. Yeah... in parting words, I hope nobody felt offended by this and that Rougia won't come to me wondering if I intend to stop talking to her to protect myself. The answer is no... for now. You never know how things can go. I'm crazy, anyway. Ciao.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Tripin'n Canada
Hello everyone!
I'm back from my "wonderful" trip to the Far East, which is much better than the Far West, on my opinion. Much colder. So.
Yeah... so the wedding. I went to a wedding, the wedding of my older sister with some american named Paul. So, it kinda started in a bad mood, because my mom was late to the bus stop, so I was nearly crying. We went to the bride's appartment and I took this picture of my mommy.

So, while there, I kept trying not to cry because of my previous bad mood and gave my sister 200$ for her wedding. A tad later, we went to the wedding itself and the ceremony. I took a few pictures of the beginning of it, until the lady priest started saying stuff in French and I was all offended that the husband-to-be didn't understand one word of what was being said and nobody tried to get him some English version on hand or something. So I sat in my chair, looked depressed and tried to not get angry or cry. Pictures:

From left to right: My step-father, my older sister, Mylene's arms.

From left to right: my step father, my older sister, her now-husband, his father, the priest lady, Mylene's hair and shoulder (<_<)
So, after that, I waited for dinner with a glass of wine in hand. After a while, I was so bored of waiting for food that I had one glass of wine in each hand... then I was soooo bored that I tried to mix up stuff. Needless to say, by the time the food came, around 8PM, I was wasted and I had left the room two times to go cry on the shoulder of Mylene's boyfriend. I tried to eat and it ended up in the bathroom. My mom noticed I was sick, so I was led to the car to sleep, which I did after posting on my blog to say I was wasted.
When I woke up, it was around midnight, the party was over and it was time to leave. The thing is, my sister Mylene had left earlier with my grandmother and had accidently taken the car keys with her. When I opened the car door from the inside to leave, the car alarm rang. We had no way to stop it and when I walked out of the car, all the doors locked. My cell, mom's wallet and all the other important stuff was stuck in the car. Needless to say, I spent the next two hours waiting for My's boyfriend to drive back with the car keys wanting to cry, then I slept a bit in the car, then I slept home. I woke up this morning and left for bus.
In a summary, I spent 95% of the trip home on the bus, wanting to cry, crying, drunk or sleeping. It was /real/ fun. Meh. Stupid wedding. *feel like crying again* ...oh, look, new RP post to write! That will make me happier.
On a closure note, I took a picture of Montreal while on the bus. That's a bit happier to end this. Ciao!
I'm back from my "wonderful" trip to the Far East, which is much better than the Far West, on my opinion. Much colder. So.
Yeah... so the wedding. I went to a wedding, the wedding of my older sister with some american named Paul. So, it kinda started in a bad mood, because my mom was late to the bus stop, so I was nearly crying. We went to the bride's appartment and I took this picture of my mommy.

So, while there, I kept trying not to cry because of my previous bad mood and gave my sister 200$ for her wedding. A tad later, we went to the wedding itself and the ceremony. I took a few pictures of the beginning of it, until the lady priest started saying stuff in French and I was all offended that the husband-to-be didn't understand one word of what was being said and nobody tried to get him some English version on hand or something. So I sat in my chair, looked depressed and tried to not get angry or cry. Pictures:

From left to right: My step-father, my older sister, Mylene's arms.

From left to right: my step father, my older sister, her now-husband, his father, the priest lady, Mylene's hair and shoulder (<_<)
So, after that, I waited for dinner with a glass of wine in hand. After a while, I was so bored of waiting for food that I had one glass of wine in each hand... then I was soooo bored that I tried to mix up stuff. Needless to say, by the time the food came, around 8PM, I was wasted and I had left the room two times to go cry on the shoulder of Mylene's boyfriend. I tried to eat and it ended up in the bathroom. My mom noticed I was sick, so I was led to the car to sleep, which I did after posting on my blog to say I was wasted.
When I woke up, it was around midnight, the party was over and it was time to leave. The thing is, my sister Mylene had left earlier with my grandmother and had accidently taken the car keys with her. When I opened the car door from the inside to leave, the car alarm rang. We had no way to stop it and when I walked out of the car, all the doors locked. My cell, mom's wallet and all the other important stuff was stuck in the car. Needless to say, I spent the next two hours waiting for My's boyfriend to drive back with the car keys wanting to cry, then I slept a bit in the car, then I slept home. I woke up this morning and left for bus.
In a summary, I spent 95% of the trip home on the bus, wanting to cry, crying, drunk or sleeping. It was /real/ fun. Meh. Stupid wedding. *feel like crying again* ...oh, look, new RP post to write! That will make me happier.
On a closure note, I took a picture of Montreal while on the bus. That's a bit happier to end this. Ciao!

Bus Time, part 2
Hello everyone.
I have a lot to say about the wedding and its unfortunate events, but I will wait until I'm home, because it comes with a few pictures and a lot of talking, which I can't do on my phone. So, I will narrate my bus trip back to Ottawa, as promised.
11:40AM: I'm leaving home with my mommy, my sis and her boyfriend. Feeling tired.
12:50PM: I've arrived in Sherbrooke and taking the first bus. This part should be ok, with Rou being there for a while. A bit less tired.
4:30PM: Indeed, that part was a lotsa fun. Maybe a tad too much dwelving into perverted themes, but... *shrug* nobody's perfect. She's gone to bed now and I'm the bus leading to Ottawa, so it's time to turn on my laptop and finish Miya's profile. Oh, and I had nice hot dog lunch at 3, at Montreal.
6:00PM: Before I say anything, I wanna thanks Kirby Oak for his concern. I will comment proper in comments as soon I can. I apprecustra comments, though. So I have arrived in Ottawa. One hour to go. I used all my laptop batteurs in the last two hours to finish at long last Miya's character sheet. It actually took less time than expected, so I used the remaining time to write an RP intro for the pokemon vorum. The RP is heavily based on Darkest Tribe, but I'm sure FD knows that imitation is a form of flattry... Or something like that. I can't wait to me back to my appartment.
I have a lot to say about the wedding and its unfortunate events, but I will wait until I'm home, because it comes with a few pictures and a lot of talking, which I can't do on my phone. So, I will narrate my bus trip back to Ottawa, as promised.
11:40AM: I'm leaving home with my mommy, my sis and her boyfriend. Feeling tired.
12:50PM: I've arrived in Sherbrooke and taking the first bus. This part should be ok, with Rou being there for a while. A bit less tired.
4:30PM: Indeed, that part was a lotsa fun. Maybe a tad too much dwelving into perverted themes, but... *shrug* nobody's perfect. She's gone to bed now and I'm the bus leading to Ottawa, so it's time to turn on my laptop and finish Miya's profile. Oh, and I had nice hot dog lunch at 3, at Montreal.
6:00PM: Before I say anything, I wanna thanks Kirby Oak for his concern. I will comment proper in comments as soon I can. I apprecustra comments, though. So I have arrived in Ottawa. One hour to go. I used all my laptop batteurs in the last two hours to finish at long last Miya's character sheet. It actually took less time than expected, so I used the remaining time to write an RP intro for the pokemon vorum. The RP is heavily based on Darkest Tribe, but I'm sure FD knows that imitation is a form of flattry... Or something like that. I can't wait to me back to my appartment.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Bus Time, part 1
I'm gonna update this entry a few times today, as I will narrate my incredible bus adventure, also called boring hell.
6:15AM: Got into the bus going to Ottawa. I can see two people in the bus, including me, so it's safe to say that my stuff is safe. It would be interesting to note that I didn't get one second of sleep last night. This trip will test my ability to sleep in a moving vehicle.
7:10AM: Am in the bus to Montral. Nap time. Hopefully, that goes well.
9:20AM: Arrived in Montreal and now in the bus going to Sherbrooke. Home sweet home, I'm coming... In 3 hours 45 minutes... Heh.
1:40PM: Finally arrived at Sherbrooke. Those last 4 hours flew past me thanks to Rou. "Me" and I truly appreciate what you did this morning. You could have gone to sleep, yet you stayed, turning a boring trip into a pleasurable experience. You're awesome, Rou! On a related note, I also worked on Miya's character sheet. Only her mage specific stuff and merits to choose and I'm done.
This conclude this 7 hours bus trip. Stay tuned tomorrow for the trip back to Ottawa. Ciao! *go wedding*
6:15AM: Got into the bus going to Ottawa. I can see two people in the bus, including me, so it's safe to say that my stuff is safe. It would be interesting to note that I didn't get one second of sleep last night. This trip will test my ability to sleep in a moving vehicle.
7:10AM: Am in the bus to Montral. Nap time. Hopefully, that goes well.
9:20AM: Arrived in Montreal and now in the bus going to Sherbrooke. Home sweet home, I'm coming... In 3 hours 45 minutes... Heh.
1:40PM: Finally arrived at Sherbrooke. Those last 4 hours flew past me thanks to Rou. "Me" and I truly appreciate what you did this morning. You could have gone to sleep, yet you stayed, turning a boring trip into a pleasurable experience. You're awesome, Rou! On a related note, I also worked on Miya's character sheet. Only her mage specific stuff and merits to choose and I'm done.
This conclude this 7 hours bus trip. Stay tuned tomorrow for the trip back to Ottawa. Ciao! *go wedding*
Friday, October 2, 2009
Alpha and Omega
"Do you really want to ignore the pains that could done to you, because the truth could be scary? Imagine yourself at age 65. Imagine all those years of living in the unknown and the fear, of asking yourself every day if you will live to see tomorrow. Do you have any idea of how sad and horrifying of a life that would be?"
Yes I do. And no, I'm not going to let that happen to me. I won't let the unknown destroy my soul. I will fight! I will know, even if the answer could entrail my demise. I won't hide anymore. Thanks Alpha. You are the best person named after a Greek alphabet letter ever.
Omega: *looks very sad*
Aww... Don't take it like this. You are still the best eevee named after a letter of the Greek alphabet. You're awesome. *pets her*
Omega: *smiles and relaxes* Thanks...
No problem. I feel good tonight. I feel free. But I also feel sleepy. I'm up at 5 tomorrow morning. So, ciao.
Yes I do. And no, I'm not going to let that happen to me. I won't let the unknown destroy my soul. I will fight! I will know, even if the answer could entrail my demise. I won't hide anymore. Thanks Alpha. You are the best person named after a Greek alphabet letter ever.
Omega: *looks very sad*
Aww... Don't take it like this. You are still the best eevee named after a letter of the Greek alphabet. You're awesome. *pets her*
Omega: *smiles and relaxes* Thanks...
No problem. I feel good tonight. I feel free. But I also feel sleepy. I'm up at 5 tomorrow morning. So, ciao.
Computer break
My day was rudely interrupted by my zompiter blewinh up. The good news is that it is no longer blown up this morning, but data was lost and many things don't work, including internet. My computer called it an hardware failure, so we all know which piece is guilty of the crime *glare at the hard drive*. So, I will try to save some data and look for a better laptop...
And no, I'm not even in the mood for character play. Ciao.
And no, I'm not even in the mood for character play. Ciao.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My laptop just blew up.
I am angry.
I want sad.
I want destroy.
[End of phone tensmission. CIAO]
I am angry.
I want sad.
I want destroy.
[End of phone tensmission. CIAO]
I've received a phone call this afternoon. I will meet my psycho-person tomorrow, after work, at 6:30PM. I think it is great that things go so fast, since it means I will start feeling better sooner, which is critical for the success of my internship.
Magic: Yay! Happiness!
Not really, Magic. Just ness, no happy yet. I'm still feeling very down, but I have something to look forward to, at least.
Magic: *looks confused* Yay?
Err, yeah, yay.
Magic: Yay! *climbs onto my head and hug it*
*pet Magic* I hope I can feel happy like you, one day... *look at non-existany reader* Oh, yeah... Ciao.
I've received a phone call this afternoon. I will meet my psycho-person tomorrow, after work, at 6:30PM. I think it is great that things go so fast, since it means I will start feeling better sooner, which is critical for the success of my internship.
Magic: Yay! Happiness!
Not really, Magic. Just ness, no happy yet. I'm still feeling very down, but I have something to look forward to, at least.
Magic: *looks confused* Yay?
Err, yeah, yay.
Magic: Yay! *climbs onto my head and hug it*
*pet Magic* I hope I can feel happy like you, one day... *look at non-existany reader* Oh, yeah... Ciao.
Depressi-O: Update
*sigh* Well, I gathered the courage to talk about my depression to my manager. He referred me to an association how mental problems that my company is subscribed to. After a rather difficult phone call, I've got meeting sessions with a professional psycho person, paid by the company, which should help me over a few meetings and the prescription of the appropriate drugs, to make me less mentally deranged. Let's hope this one is the right one. I would love to be free of the heavy dependance to others to find happiness, which coupled with my personality, makes dangerous in bad times.
Dear blog and non-existany blog readers,
I think I'm officially depressed. That's the conclusion I came to after another day of trying not to cry all day long for any petty reason and the fact I haven't ate beakfast in 3 days. Why should I force myself to do stuff only because they are needed? It's not like it's going to make me any happier. It's not like it's going to give me anything worthy to live for either. If you hadn't guessed by now, I'm also prey to episodic suicidal thoughts. I should forget and let go, yeah right. It's easy to say when you have something or someone to live for. Try doing the same when you're completely down and have only one thought, that thought being letting go of everything to stop the pain. Oh, it would be so liberating.
But... I don't think I will ever do it. I'm way to weak. To weak to resist my emotions, to weak to impose myself in a group, too weak to think properly. Ironic, that I'm also too weak to free myself of my sorrows. I wish I had someone to talk to. I talked to a few people (Thanks for puttingup with me, guys and gals), but no one can help me. Not that they don't try, but I'm also freaking too weak to listen to them! Did I say that I hate myself?
That's why I'm impatient to back home this weekend. I don't care about that convenience wedding any more than my family does, but I do care about talking to both my grandmother and my mom. Talking about depression is never easy, but if I don't do it, I guess I will sink with the ship. I need help. I really do. Before I can even think about being a more positive person, I need to even have some desire to do anything. For now, asking myself to do is propably like asking someone to move the CN Tower with their bare hands.
Bah, ciao, I guess.
I think I'm officially depressed. That's the conclusion I came to after another day of trying not to cry all day long for any petty reason and the fact I haven't ate beakfast in 3 days. Why should I force myself to do stuff only because they are needed? It's not like it's going to make me any happier. It's not like it's going to give me anything worthy to live for either. If you hadn't guessed by now, I'm also prey to episodic suicidal thoughts. I should forget and let go, yeah right. It's easy to say when you have something or someone to live for. Try doing the same when you're completely down and have only one thought, that thought being letting go of everything to stop the pain. Oh, it would be so liberating.
But... I don't think I will ever do it. I'm way to weak. To weak to resist my emotions, to weak to impose myself in a group, too weak to think properly. Ironic, that I'm also too weak to free myself of my sorrows. I wish I had someone to talk to. I talked to a few people (Thanks for puttingup with me, guys and gals), but no one can help me. Not that they don't try, but I'm also freaking too weak to listen to them! Did I say that I hate myself?
That's why I'm impatient to back home this weekend. I don't care about that convenience wedding any more than my family does, but I do care about talking to both my grandmother and my mom. Talking about depression is never easy, but if I don't do it, I guess I will sink with the ship. I need help. I really do. Before I can even think about being a more positive person, I need to even have some desire to do anything. For now, asking myself to do is propably like asking someone to move the CN Tower with their bare hands.
Bah, ciao, I guess.
anger management,
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